Any success installing HassOS on parallels for M1 Mac?

I have a working setup using UTM by following this guide

However recently HA has been dropping off the network (bridged via USB Ethernet into MacBook Air) until I fully close UTM and restart the VM. (Just restarting VM doesn’t work)

I have also been able to install supervised HA via a Debian VM in parallels but that means maintaining the Os separately and it can flag as unsupported.

If I try and use the HassOS AARCH64 image with parallels , it can’t recognise the OS and won’t boot.

Hoping someone might have success getting HassOS into parallels?


ah, ive sussed it!

On the Mac download the vmdk version then open terminal and navigate to where the downloaded image is and run this

prl_convert haos_generic-aarch64-9.5.vmdk --dst=haos.hdd --allow-no-os --stand-alone-disk

Then in parallels create a new VM> linux other and select the new .hdd file.


I’m trying it now (vmdk conversion). Fingers crossed that it works as good as or better then my current x8x-x64 install.

Everything works fine… BT included…

Thanks for the idea on the prl_convert …

Yes Bluetooth also works great! It couldn’t see any devices using the MacBooks Bluetooth in UTM so I had to use a dongle there.
Parallels works fine with the built-in BT!

It also hasn’t lost network at all since switching from UTM>parallels.

I was able to use prl and get that converted. Am I supposed to just crest a blank VM and then attach that as the head before booting? I did that and I get to a command line in the VM. But the interface just stops at cannot reach home assistant and keeps retrying.

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I am interested to see how this done myself - Ive tried this and i cannot get it to boot. What version of parallels?

Was not successful too.