My 3D printer is connected to a smart-plug, and I want to rig a switch/button in Lovelace that when hit runs an automation/triggers a flow in Node Red/etc to turn on or off the 3D printer and associated devices, after checking if it is running, shutting down the attached Raspberry Pi running OctoPi, etc.
So the question is, what template or other “structure” to use in HA that can represent the “front” of it in the most efficient way.
Template switch can trigger on/off, but is basically boolean with no “inbetween”, and while it can have an “unknown” state that seems to just disable the switch, which makes the interface less than clear in the UI. I could use an input_select with three settings, but that just displays as a dropdown, so I’d have to pretty it up myself.
So before I do some potentially unnecissary hardwork, is there any existing template/system/addon/intergration I could use to represent an item that can be on, off, or changing/in progress and show that in the UI?