Any Support for Midea A/C?

This is a very good idea and seems really promising.

I have the Sergei dongle… I’m unfamiliar with how to update it OTA (not sure if I can just send it a YAML file).

Have you seen or used the interface? I can take pics if it helps add context.

Easiest is to install the esphome addon; add the yaml configuration there, and update it using the wireless option

I have ESPHome AddOn installed, but my devices aren’t recognized. I think I might have to reflash them in order for them to add to ESPHome. The weird thing is that when I go into my devices, it says they are ESPHome devices. But when I go to the ESPHome AddOn, they aren’t listed there.

You need to add a configuration for them…

i guess if the ip address is correct, they will start showing ‘online’ :wink:

@aceindy Thanks to your direction, I’ve been able to get it added to ESPHome. Now I can quickly modify the YAML files/configs and help test the follow me stuff.

That said, I did try to do it that way - but I think I need to add the sensor to the main HomeAssistant config file. I’m still not sure if it will work. Additionally, it looked like the Lambda needed to return the sensor state, not just return x, right?

This is what I’m working with so far (again, in my HomeAssistant configuration.yaml):

**- platform: homeassistant**

    entity_id: sensor.sandy_upstairs_living_room_temperature_and_humidity_sensor_temperature   # Sensor from HASS

    name: Zigbee Room Sensor

    id: sensor_2

    lambda:  |-

      return id(sensor_2).state;

#      return x;

    unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    icon: "mdi:water-percent"

    device_class: "temperature"

    state_class: "measurement"

    accuracy_decimals: 0

    internal: false


      - throttle: 10s

      - heartbeat: 2min             # Maximum interval between updates.

      - debounce: 1s



        #temperature: !lambda "return id(sensor.sandy_upstairs_east_bedroom_temperature_and_humidity_sensor_temperature).state;"

        temperature: |-

          return id(sensor_2).state;

        #temperature: !lambda "return x;"

        beeper: true

There are two issues I’m pretty sure are causing a problem. First, the platform… it’s causing errors. Second, I think I need to specify midea_ac.follow_me: as something else (my_ac_unit_entity_id_maybe.follow_me:)?

Guys! I’m about to buy AC units, thinking about Midea’s Blanc Pro or Xtreme Save.

Can I integrate them with original USB/wifi dongles with home assistant and some integration?
Or do I have to tinker with ESPHome?

Hi dude, Could you integrate the “mirage” ac to home assistant?


I am intending to build a 3d Printing Filament Cabinet like this one Adam Savage built, just bigger.

It would have to permanently keep my filament under 20% RH, ideally near 10% RH.
Room Temperature is around 20C-30C (about 70-90F).

I’m willing to help it out with dessicant packs, but opening the door to change filaments would cause all the air to be swapped out and the desicant could get saturated quickly.

Ideally, I would like one with WiFi that I can monitor/manage with HomeAssistant, like the Pro Breeze 30L, but small, like a 500ml or 1000ml.
(but I don’t know if they share the same control board / software)

  • Can anyone tell me if any of the smaller versions have wifi of their own?
  • On a model without Wifi, will it simply turn on if I turn on the power socket?
  • (monitor RH using external sensor and control via smart socket).
  • What is the lowest RH any of the smaller units can achieve?

Hi Everyone,

I have a Midea All Easy Pro 18.000 BTU model MSEPC-18HRFN1 / MOX430-18HFN1

This AC unit is integrated with Home Assistant with the Midea integration. I am trying to interpret the energy sensors as they do not make a lot of sense:

The total energy consumption increases and decreases during the day which doesn’t make much sense.

The current energy consumption graph is also somewhat strange. I believe the units are off by 1000, but in addition, I’m not clear why it doesn’t start at 0 on the hour. Can anyone tell me what this is measuring and how I might be able to fix it? I would like to create a sensor that measures instantaneous power and kw/h per day consumed.



Thank for posting , it made me think again about the process and made it .I have Carrier Extreme 42QHG012D8SX with the version 103 usb dongle and i though is not supported so i bought ESP8266 spend all day to make it work and did it .Then i read your comment ,put back the original usb stick ,made new account on SmartHome app (SmartHome is the new app changed from MsmartHome) find my unit and pair it with the app then put the account id and pass on Midea ac lan on HA and voila . Thanks again man


Any updates on this? I’m also trying to create a dashboard with consumptions (current, daily and total) and these measures are crazy to understand.

Thanks in advance.

Hello there, same model.

Did you manage to simply register your Ariston A/C devices by mean of “Midea Cloud”?

Anybody is aware about a specific application ID just for Ariston to use here?

Would be nice to have an entry for Ariston too, e.g.:

    "Ariston Casa": {
        "class_name": "AristonCasa",
        "app_id": "????",
        "app_key": "????",
        "api_url": "",

Hey Samuel,
I found the “app_id” using an interceptor: it’s not encrypted.
"app_id": "1005"

Hello again,
Finally found the app_key:

I created a new PR for having Ariston Clima support out-of-the-box…

Just reporting that mill1000/midea-ac-py: Home Assistant custom integration to control Midea (and associated brands) air conditioners via LAN) works well with my Midea Xtreme using the EU-SK105 dongle.

Just be aware of this minor device renaming bug, but it shouldn’t stop anybody from using it. (Fixed.)

Hey, I’ve been getting my read on this for a few days, but clearly I’m missing something.
Where is this firmware? Every topic only shows how to edit the yaml files, but does that assume you guys are getting these boards boards pre-flashed with a custom firmware from somewhere?
I have flashed the ESPHOME with it’s default firmware and connected to my network. Next I have connected it to Home assistant on my HA machine. I have a custom board based on a ESP8266 ready to plug into the A/C.

I only see one yaml file with the network configurations.

Projects like these seem to have more common .cpp / .h files, but what do I do with them? Also the ESP Home website has some descriptors here, but again - What do we do with them?

Really apreciate some insights on this :slight_smile:

How can i see my temp to c not for f

I am wondering which instructions you followed, but if you read the post linked here: Midea branded AC’s with ESPhome (no cloud) and scroll down to the example mideahvac.yaml, it looks like it sets up all the necessary sensors and switches. You do have to scroll. It has 8 ‘pages’ of settings in that frame.

Hi @xye great work in decoding!!
I have a Midea branded model from Carrier (USA) and I encounter some inconsistencies.

This is my response:


1.) I have caps 0x14 which is different from yours. Any suggestions how to reverse engineer the meaning?
2.) My set temperature is 0x3C which is 60F. Exactly my set point. So not C. Seems it depends on the model whether the unit is C or F?
3.) My T1, T2A and T3 temperatures are 0x3D, 0x3C and 0x36 respectively. 60F/61F would match the vicinity of indoor temperature (at the unit). 54F would match ourdoor temperature. So no 0x30 subtraction and division by 2. Again, seems this is maybe only the case for non-US units that are configured for C?
4.) For current, mine shows 0xFF, i.e., 255A which is definitely wrong. On the other hand, this would correspond to the next of your field “0xff - could be frequency”. Coincidence or possible off-by-one?
5.) In your docs, you only list 31 bytes although the response is 32 bytes. You skip byte 0x1D. Why? Or is this a mistake?