Any way to beta test the 2021.5 update? I've created a node-RED subflow for actionable notifications - but I want to incorporate the upcoming features!

I’m working on a node-RED subflow to assist with setting up iOS actionable notifications easily in node-red flows.

I’ve got a sample subflow at the link below, but zachowj pointed out to me that in 2021.5 actionable notifications can now be sent in the message instead of having to be pre-configured?! Thats awesome! In my current version I was writing the YAML config file to a specified directory. Sending it along in the message would be so much more streamlined. Also, I’d really like to incorporate the message cancelling for ios that Zach was working on!

Here is the current version of the subflow:

I’ve even added in a drop down with ALL of the audio clips that are pre-installed. :slight_smile:

I’d like to keep testing, but if things are going to change drastically next month, I’d like to code forward if possible!

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You can try it out right now by joining the beta with this link (from an iPhone or iPad): Join Home Assistant iOS beta - Home Assistant . It’ll replace your currently installed App Store version, no extra setup needed.

The documentation has already been updated with all the changes (see Notifications and Actionable Notifications). It’s a lot nicer now and mostly unified with Android. So that brings a bunch of benefits - single set of instructions, ability to switch platforms easily, makes things like notify groups and Blueprints a lot more versatile.

Zac is working on stuff relating to attachments so it’s not 100% done yet, the first version was released only a couple hours ago. If you have a Discord account you can follow the progress and/or report issues in #devs_mobile_apps of HA’s channel.

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Excellent, thank you! I’ll take another dive this weekend with it. :smile:

I’ve worked up a new version with the beta app. Works great! All that is left is a bit of testing and documentation. Hopefully it’ll be done before 2021.5 drops - I’ll post here once its completed.