I’ve been using HA for about 3 days now so I’m still quite new to this environment.
I have a garage door opener connected to MYQ, which I have integrated into HA using this guide
I have it in a group (see groups.yaml snippet below) along with some other sensors for my alarm system (see pic)
I see the garage door opener in my view, but I want to replace the up/down arrows (which open/close the garage door) with just the status of the garage door (Open/Close)
My goal is to mount a tablet on the wall and afraid my 3 year old will open the garage door if the option is there.
This is what my view looks like now. I’m trying to replace the up/down arrows with Open/Closed or hide them.
Invalid config for [group]: Entity ID cover.garage_door.state is an invalid entity id for dictionary value @ data['group']['alarm_sensors_view']['entities']. Got ['binary_sensor.backyard_door', 'binary_sensor.bedroom_windows', 'binary_sensor.den_windows', 'binary_sensor.front_door', 'binary_sensor.garage_entry', 'binary_sensor.kitchen_windows', 'cover.garage_door.state']. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 35). Please check the docs at https://home-assistant.io/components/group/
If I change cover.garage_door.state back to cover.garage_door then Check-Config says Configuration is Valid.
If you are using GROUPS to organize things, you appear to be using the STATES UI. That UI is going away at some point, and Lovelace is the current default. Are you on a current version?
I am. What does that have to do with anything? I have a MyQ garage door opener. I was just stating that when you add cover.garage_door to the frontend it adds it as a control, because it is a cover, and not a sensor.
You stated:
You cannot. You have to create a TEMPLATE sensor first from that state and use the TEMPLATE sensor. You cannot DIRECTLY access the state of the cover without creating a SENSOR.
If you use LOVELACE UI (the current default, and if you are running any recent version, it will be Lovelace unless you SPECIFICALLY changed it), you can add a GLANCES card, and add cover.garage_door to it. It will give you a STATE displayed, but clicking on it will give you the controls for it. It merely ‘hides’ the control of it inside another card, but doesn’t really remove the control completely.
The screenshot you sent is exactly what I’m looking for! Great to know it is possible!
I downloaded the latest hass.io image onto an sd card, and configured it on my RPI3. It is version 0.93.2- which looks like it is the latest version. I am running LOVELACE UI as I have not ‘taken control’ of the LOVELACE UI using the 3 dot option on the top right corner.
I will research the GLANCES option as you suggested. I only went the ‘groups.yaml’ because of some tutorial I found on how to organize my main view.
For anyone in the same boat, I had to click click on the 3 dots on the top right corner (advanced options I guess?) and select “Configure UI”. It gave me a warning that if I do that, Lovelace would not automatically add new entities. I clicked ‘Take Control’. From there there I clicked the + icon on the bottom right corner, and selected “Glance”, then after giving it a title, I specified my Entity to be my garage door and that was it.