Any Zwave lock gurus - Kwikset 888 issue

To start off I should say this lock has never worked correctly. It was a refurb which I returned and the replacement behaved exactly the same. It was only $100 and I was able to get keycodes to work so I kept it.

With the old (open?) Zwave config I used to see:


Was kind of hoping the move to zwave JS might make it spring to life but instead those two entries that were showing in HA are now not available…

The device page shows, well it actually hides the only entity.

sensor.touchpad_electronic_deadbolt_node_status - entity is unavailable

Device info
SmartCode 888
by Kwikset
Firmware: 4.76

If anyone has a pro tip or two for me I’m willing to test or try anything. I even got myself a second zwave stick so I could do testing and firmware updates.


Welcome to the forum.

Have you gone here to check for any idiosycricies?

Hope this helps

Product Identifiers: 0x0003:0x0541


I guess that’s where those numbers come from but there’s nothing about any special inclusion tricks or idiosyncrasies. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Lock configure page has none of those parameters either.

I also have a GED1800 by Weiser and do get a list of parameters on the Configure Device page for that.

I would guess the lock is not included properly or missing necessary security keys to control it. When you moved it to zwavejs, did you exclude and reinclude? If not, did you pull the security key from open zwave to put into zwavejs?

I have two kwikset locks and they are fussy to setup, but work well once properly paired.

Another option is the lock is just not in the zwavejs database, and you would need a custom configuration,
which is a bit advanced to setup.

I’d start with an exclude then re-include first. The lock likely uses older s0 security. To exchange the security keys, these locks use “whisper pairing” and must be directly next to the zstick for initial pairing. Take the lock off the door to the stick or bring the stick/device to it. Once paired, it will work fine in its final location- you’ll want to heal the Node after though to update the routing table when it’s in its final installed spot.

Here’s a good guide with the steps.

Thanks for the reply Tim

The link from AllHailJ is to the DB no? If so, all good there.

I have redone the whole zwave setup here a few times and tried the lock right next to the zstick when pairing trick. The best I ever got was doing some tricks with the old zwave integration which gave me some entities - battery and lock. Battery always reported 100% and the lock didn’t respond.

At the time that was my only lock so I put it on the back door and used it for code entry only. Since I got my front door lock, not the same kind but zwave and it works a treat I was hoping to figure out the back door too.

Will check that guide and retry pairing this weekend but I did try few times before demoting it to the back door lock and had followed similar guides advice.

Anyone have a kwikset 888 that can chime in with their firmware version and maybe the entities you got in home assistant?


Or not…

Did I post in the wrong place? Should this be under Hardware perhaps?

Was not able to try an unpair and repair over the weekend but I did find a log from a previous attempt if that would interest anybody.

These are the entities the kwikset 910 created

The 888 and 910 should be nearly identical.

The lack of entities implies the lock is not included securely with a proper exchanging of security keys or it is defective.

You can try and post the logs to narrow it down.

This is the right place but this is a pretty specialized issue with a very specific lock, so you may not get a lot of responses.

I have a Kwikset 888 running ZwaveJS. Mine added perfectly the very first time, from a distance of about 80 ft away from my Nortek GoControl zwave/zigbee dongle. Same firmware version as you, too.

I would try excluding the lock and re-adding it like the others mentioned. It sounds like you set it up correctly using secure inclusion otherwise you wouldn’t be able to lock/unlock it at all. My next best guess is that maybe there was a hiccup in the inclusion process or it got hung up and never actually added all of the entities like it should have. It sounds like you know what you are doing, but you are welcome to read this over as you set yours up again:

Thanks guys.

Will try the repairing process this evening… :crossed_fingers:

I did try this afternoon when I had the chance and it was looking good. Got a couple entities - one being the lock - following the advice from the smarthomepursuits link from djbrooks I left it for a good 20 minutes then rebooted.

Unfortunately that didn’t add a bunch of new entities like I was hoping it would. I no longer see firmware version either.

More than I had before but I might back up and try again. Maybe with some fresh batteries… :thinking:

Even with fresh batteries node24 was still not a winner. Entities gone now but firmware version is back :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Come on node25! :crossed_fingers: … third time’s a charm?

Just to confirm, you’re using secure inclusion right? I believe the lock requires this to control it.

I am.

Just setup my other zstick on a fresh hass install and things are pretty much the same but I did notice all the new keys in zwaveJS…

new to me anyway.

Factory reset here I come…

I’ve tried various methods of pairing with 2 different systems and never got the entities I was expecting.

Guess I got a lemon… it was a refurb and only ~$100 so I will just use it as a not-so-smart touchpad lock.

Thanks anyway for the tips and pointers though guys.

If anyone else arrives hear I had the same problem. I have the Kiwkset 910 lock, Aeon Labs Gen5 Z-wave stick, and Zwave-JS. I tried multiple times unplugging the stick and pairing at close range and every time no matter what combination it would pair instantly but with zero functionality. I ended up leaving the stick plugged in and adding a node from the home assistant zwavejs screen, and it paired quickly and did all the negotiations, and now it works like a champ.

If anyone else arrives here - It sounds like @EvilBobby paired his lock with the stick not using home assistant add node.

Never do this. From the instruction page - Z-Wave - Home Assistant


  1. Do not move your Z-Wave stick to include devices. This is no longer necessary and leads to broken routes.

  2. Do not initiate device inclusion from the Z-Wave stick itself. This is no longer supported.