Anybody using the Climax SRAC-23B-ZBSR and can confirm it works?


Anybody using this siren from Climax, SRAC-23B-ZBSR ?
I would love to get some feedback on this;

  1. Does it actually work?
  2. Can you change modes and duration from UI->exposes and it works?

Hi! I got 2 of these myself and just started trying to implement them. Did you make any progress yourself?

Hi, yes I’ve made the integration for Zigbee2MQTT, but I cannot get it to “turn on the siren and stay on”, it only makes a single “beep”. The documentation are horrible. I have not made the PR to make it public yet. I could share the code if you want to play with it ?

I’ve just ordered the Develco Smart Siren, plan to make the integration for it, looks like a really good product!

I have a fully working config if you want to test ?