🖨️ Anycubic Mono X 3D Printer Addon

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the add add-on repository dialog with a specific repository URL pre-filled.
You can start, stop, or pause a print, monitor status, and view a connected webcam. This will reduce your trips to the 3D Printer.

Anycubic Mono X 3D Printer Addon


To start a print, just select the file from the list, and then press the Play button. To stop or pause, just press the stop or pause button at any time


  • Status - The current printer status (print/pause/stop/finish), the name of the file and the aproximate total mL of resin it will require.
  • Progress - Displays a progress bar with the current percent in text inside.
  • Layers - Display current layer / total layers.
  • Layer Height - The layer height in milimeters.
  • Remaining - Time remaining in HH:mm:ss format
  • Elapsed - Time elapsed in HH:mm:ss format
  • Live Feed - You may specify a camera to use to monitor the progress. If something goes wrong, you may wish to stop the print early. The Live Feed shows you an up-to-date image of the printer.


  • Mono X IP Address - The IP or Hostname of your printer
  • MonoX Port - The port will always be 6000, unless you’re running a fake_printer from the uart-wifi pip package to test operations without printing.
  • Camera URL - a URL to an HTML compatible image. Whatever is here will be used as an image source within the UI.


Standalone installation

This is not just a Home Assistant Addon. I’ve provided a version for X86_64 configured to run without Home Assistant.

docker pull adamoutler/anycubic3dprinter
docker run --name="MyMonoX" \
-p 8080:80 --restart=always --detatch=true  adamoutler/anycubic3dprinter

Replace <IP_ADDRESS> and <CAMERA_URL> with the appropriate values. The printer will appear on port 8080


Special thanks to kcam01 for helping test and making suggestions for this addon.

Very good addon! Thanks @adamoutler

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I’ve found this is now the primary way I use and check my 3D printer. image