Anylist - change intents

GREAT integration - works like a champ!

Is there a way to remove items from your default list like you can with add?
Add butter - response: “I’ve added butter”
remove butter - response: “From which list would you like to remove butter?”

I’ve added these to the intents:

language: "en"
      - sentences:
          - "add {item} to <articles> <specifier> list"
          - "add {item}"

      - sentences:
          - "remove {item} from <articles> <specifier> list"
          - "remove {item}"

I’m now one more step closer to unplugging Alexa forever! Just need Pandora added to Music Assistant.

The new Satellite1 voice assistant is ROCKING IT!

Removing an item using intents should remove it from the default list just like the add item intent. Is it not working?