Anyone already try new Unifi Connect Display?

Hi folks, maybe someone have UC-Display (Connect Display - Ubiquiti Store United States) on hand?
Really like ideas of POE powered touchscreen.
This one bit expensive, but maybe it will be cheaper after few months.

POE ++ power.
21,5 " touchscreen
Android apps.

It’s $699 now, but it still cheaper than iPad plus inwall system with poe. And bigger.

I hope it will be main control center for my automated home.


Hi … Will hopefully soon get my new House and will also attempt to buy this Display. Normally IT should Work Well with Home assistant… i guess it is destected with Home assistant protect Integration and might have some controlls also. So fingers crossed that the Prise will fall … i plan at least buying two of them

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I waiting for smaller sizes… 21.5 it’s… a lot.
It’s good for main control but to expensive and big to install it somewhere middle of house, near doors, bedrooms…
Crestron make funny android tablet with POE… expensive too.

I am doing a little construction project to rebuild my home office space and decided to bite the bullet to try the Connect display. The good news, it works great! The bad news is that now I want to install a few more. :money_mouth_face:

It was super easy to download the HA .apk file and upload it via the Connect controller. Within a few minutes, HA was up and running.

Screenshot 2024-03-31 at 17.19.28
The screen pulls around 17W, far better than the old Surface tablet I’ve been using.

I would have preferred installing the display horizontally, but I didn’t have enough room in the wall between the studs. The vertical alternative worked just as well.

I’ll post more pictures once I get everything buttoned up and finished.

Now, if there was just an HA integration with the Connect controller to toggle scenes on the display from the HA side.


would love an updated pic on this when you have it.

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I forgot to post the finished Connect display install photos.

It works great as an HA dashboard! In the photos, I’ve got a Grafana environmental dashboard displayed using Airthings sensors.


Is there anything cheaper with POE and maybe like a 10 inch size?

Crestron. I bought few Poe powered devices for 10-20$ each. Link: Crestron TSW 1060. POE HA dash for $30. Firmware

Hey quick question … just got the display (loving it) any reason you are running the android app vs just pointing it you ha server via the web?

More options.
Companion app allows different settings be applied.

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which case or frame do you use?
pd; f%^*% amazing!!!

The Flush Mount Frame. Unfortunately, it adds another $200 to the price :-/

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More features with the companion app and easier to keep signed in. It works fine either way.

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600 is a lot… but I will invest… 200 bucks more its a game changer:( not. a in good way

Invest $30 to cheapest Poe tablet.
Invest $130 to in-wall mount.
Deal with micro frizes.

We always have alternatives.

for the moment my lenovo thinkview will be the option…

I use $30 POE Crestron 1060 tablets… pretty happy.
At least I know it will outlive my HA server.
And have one thinkview just because I’m lazy to pull wire to wife office.

hahah can you share the process or its just start with some url?

It’s actually pretty easy “hack”.

Can you just clarify what you installed to get this running. I think this looks like something I can put in our new house build !