Anyone buy a Yale Assure SL Zwave Plus Lock (YRD256) and regret it?

I’m looking for a new lock for a new front door we’re getting installed and wanted to change from my Schlage Connect. The Schlage has plagued me with Zwave issues for the past 4 years and looking to change it.

The Yale YRD256 looks like a great option and I don’t care much about losing a key. I have OpenZWave JS running in my HA setup too.

Anyone recently buy a Yale YRD256 and have regrets? If so, why?

I have the same lock, sorry to hear you are having issues too. I have been using Home Assistant for years now and had the old Zwave running, super slow and fussy but worked well for a long time. I could lock and unlock, battery notification and all was working with my Yaly SL Zwave lock.
My Old HA these are the entities that it discovered.

My New HA running zwave.js discovered this…

It still has an unlock and lock option but clicking it does nothing at all on the new system.

I have only been working on this for a day or so now but its annoying. Funny thing is I added like 30 devices and all worked perfect, then the most important device kicked me directly in the crotch.

I tried pairing it insecurely just to see if I got more options but same results. I even moved the controller close to see if that would help but did not.

Any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

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