Anyone do anything interesting at the weekend?

It doesn’t have to be all tech… Post what you want here… Did you see a great movie, stage show, band, discover a new restaurant, a new beer or wine or spirit, a new coffee shop… a new comedian or a new author…

I can’t claim any of these, but surely amongst such a broad and diverse group from around the world we can sustain an interesting side conversation to all the HA stuff…

Off to the beach. And seeing whether I can set a record for distance HA programming!

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I made record time on my 600-mile (965km) drive home from visiting relatives. It started at around 4:00AM when the power went out at home and a housemate was having trouble getting the generator going. Luckily the power came back on after a couple of hours.

Oh, and HA performed flawlessly during the outage. The little UPS I installed kept my RPi 3B+ running happily, and everything came back OK when the power returned. I got home earlier than anticipated and didn’t have to fix anything when I got here. I consider that a good, if maybe not all that interesting, day.

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Went out sailing with a friend over a long 5 day weekend, we’re still out there. To the island of Ushant, about 80 nautical miles from my place. Winter sailing is interesting and challenging due to the weather conditions that can get pretty rough. A large group of about 15 dolphins followed us for awhile at dusk. They’re pretty common over here, but it’s always amazing to observe them swirling around the boat. We arrived late last night with constant 35 knot gusts close hauled and with heavy cross swell, we were exhausted and wet from head to toe… :slightly_smiling_face:

Now sitting in a harbor waiting for the right tide to get home. Boat is jumpy and I can’t sleep. We usually have strong tidal currents here and since it’s full moon right now, they’re so strong it’s hard and potentially dangerous to sail against them. Leaving at 2am would have been an option, but general motivation was subpar :smile:… So we opted for the early afternoon tide tomorrow instead. Weather forecast is a mixture of nice sun and pouring rain lol, so it’s going to be interesting…

I love this. Excellent disconnection from sitting im front of a PC screen all day :sailboat:


Nice! Must be great sailing. Fall winds can be wonderful…or horrible. On this side of the pond, at 48+ latitude there’s not much recreational boating going on. You can thank us for sending the Gulf Stream your way. Good luck on the transit home!

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Haha yeah, we’re lucky having the Gulf Stream, winter weather would be pretty bleak here without it ! Temps still get below freezing at night often enough though, so you better have a diesel heater onboard if you want to keep your butt warm on a mooring without shore power :slight_smile:

Made it home over an unexpectedly nice and sunny day, not too much wind though so there was more motoring involved than what I would have liked. Wind wise, it’s often an all-in or nothing situation here during the fall / winter months. But hey, can’t have everything I guess.

Now back to the office… :confused: