Anyone got the Minoston MSE30Z door sensor working?

Has anyone got the Minoston MSE30Z door sensor working? For me, it detects and shows up ok in z-wave.js interface, but never finishes interview. It gets stuck on ProtocolInfo.

When I look at it in home assistant, there aren’t any useful entities - even though you can see the door sensor working, plus the temp/humidity in the Zwave.js interface.

Is this as there is no entry for it (yet?) in the zwave db?


You need to wake it up again so it completes the interview. It’s not usable in HA until then.

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Thanks, though I actually tried that - pressing it 5x. It’s listed as “awake” in the zwave interface. Is there something else to re-prompt the interview?

No, it will re-interview automatically when it wakes up. Does it ever go back to sleep? It’s less common now, but it could take a few wake ups. If it’s not showing Asleep ever, or not proceeding past ProtocolInfo, I would check the driver logs and see if anything is going wrong, because it should finish relatively quickly.

The device not being in the database won’t affect its functionality (in most cases). You’ll at least get the manufacturer name once you get past Protocol Info.

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I think you were right @freshcoast; I woke it up repeatedly, and it just completed the interview. I’ve only had non-battery powered z-wave devices before, so never had this kinda issue. Thanks for the prompt, I was just about to give up waiting and return it.