Could anyone help me out with the subject? Or does anyone possibly have an example of doing this with the subject device? (I have heard ADB commands can be specific to the device)
I have verified that I can send the ADB commands to the TV (using Android TV Integration) but to be honest, I have no clue if it is even possible to get it to play music consistently. I really almost don’t even care what station as long as I can get it to play one of the recent ones.
The reason, I am wanting to do it by ADB commands is because when you do it through a routine on google assistant, it sends the audio to the television through a “cast” and almost all music services only allow 30 min- 1 hour until it stops playing (free tier).
By starting the app and music directly throught the TV interface, I have learned it goes for a few hours before stopping.
Thank you so much for this idea. I didn’t even realize adb commands could “attach to” voice commands from the remote.
I will give this a try when I get home this evening and report back hear more of your thoughts.
Hopefully, voice commands (for music apps) from the remote don’t automatically deviate to “cast” usage.
I will run 2 test:
Running voice command “Play 2000s rock on pandora” from the main menu of Google TV.
Open pandora with ADB command, see if I can find a consistent way to navigate to the pandora search bar by adb navigation commands, and then run voice search of “Play 2000s rock on pandora” from the search bar.
Thank you again @rossk, hopefully we can get this one going. The hour or so of music and then just turning off is maddening and I’m so cheap. haha.
Before I left the house this morning, I did a quick check with the remote from the main menu screen and it resorted to cast usage.
I’m sure you’re “spot on” and as long as I open the app first with the “com…” start app language in HA automation actions, that with the app running and the voice command in usage, it moves forward without cast.
How do you get ahold of the adb language for the events? I couldn’t figure out how to get ahold of the event language last night trying to run the event catcher from the developer service menu (for some reason, the “call service” button would never let the grey go away from over the button)
If you have an example of this or get time to be able to paste an example of this part of the process, I would be very grateful.
Thank you again for showing your talent with this stuff. I’ll get there eventually. lol
Only on my iPhone at the moment so will take a look at what I have when I am in front of a computer.
However most of the time, I simply select the source (app) via home assistant, small delay and then send the above adb command to tell the app what I want to watch from within the now opened app.
Open the app in question and check the source in developer tools (as they are not all listed unless active) then try a quick script to select that source and then send adb to command.
So the code post below still sent it as a “cast”. I think the “GLOBAL_SEARCH” is what is causing it. It’s essentially searching the whole google tv through its general search feature. If you happen to have any other ideas, I definitely won’t turn them down.
Consistency is what I’m hoping to be able to maintain. And the only ideas I have are to 1.) Find a consistent/ repeatable way to navigate the Google TV GUI to get what I want (which sounds like a disaster- but may be the only way) or 2.) find a way to voice search within the app but the problem with that is, it looks like you still have to navigate to the search bar within the individual app or the search is a “GLOBAL SEARCH” as you are showing me.
1.) How did you learn/ where did you find the command you needed to make the voice search work properly?
2.) And hopefully the last one is. Do you know how to turn the google tv on and off within home assistant?-- → EDIT: I now see there are “POWER” and “SLEEP” commands in the documentation for AndroidTV ADB commands. (no need to respond on this one)
service: media_player.select_source
source: '""'
entity_id: media_player.android_tv_192_168_1_43
service: androidtv.adb_command
command: >-
input keyevent MENU && am start -a
"" --es query "play 2000s rock on pandora"
-e source 30 && input keyevent 23 && input keyevent 23 && input keyevent 23
entity_id: media_player.android_tv_192_168_1_43
@rossk thank you for always being willing to help with things even when they do get a little “sticky”
After messing with it some more, it looks like this is how Pandora has decided to treat voice search involving their app (everything handled by cast).
I tried a few other music apps and it looks like they work more like we would expect and function properly with your great idea.
For Pandora, the best I can come up with is to find a somewhat repeatable set of navigation commands.
Is there a quick way to send text to a search field within an app that you know of, or is the best you can think of is send individual letters through key press commands to build the words being searched for??—> I see how your global search works, I was wandering if there was a way to apply that to a search bar within an app.
Thank you for your thoughts, maybe this will also help someone in the future
Hello from the future! This may help someone… I made a script that enables the current app’s search and tied it to an input_text entity for queries and an input_button entity to run the script:
alias: Android TV Search
- service: androidtv.adb_command
command: input keyevent SEARCH
entity_id: media_player.android_tv
- service: androidtv.adb_command
command: >-
input keyevent DEL && input text {{
'"'+states('input_text.text_field')+'"' }} && input keyevent ENTER
entity_id: media_player.android_tv
mode: single
icon: mdi:card-search-outline
This is the reason why two consecutive commands need to be used.