Anyone have the August Lock pro ? The newest one, Gen4 I think

I have it on my dashboard, and it works through the button on the dashboard well. Does anyone have any running to open upon geolocation?
The app is not really reliable for me, so was looking to get it to unlock upon arriving home.

Talking to myself :slight_smile:
Here’s what I have come up with that seems to work, so far…
The lock is set to autolock and auto-unlock through their app. This, for me, was just insurance that it worked better. So far 3-4 test runs have worked.

alias: August Unlock upon arrival

  description: ""


    - platform: state

      entity_id: person.sxxxxx

      from: away

      to: home

    - platform: state

      entity_id: person.cxxxxx

      from: away

      to: home

    - platform: state

      entity_id: person.nxxxxxx

      from: away

      to: home

  condition: []


    - service: lock.unlock

      data: {}


        entity_id: lock.front_door_deadbolt

  mode: single 

A note on the from: and to: lines… If you only put to: home, the lock would constantly unlock, as a person was home, and then the wait time to auto-lock would run, lock the door, and then immediately unlock again. I specified the from: and to: for the state change to run the automation correctly.