Anyone having Issues with Tesla Component

My tesla component doesn’t seem to work and says it cant connect to the API in the logs, wondering if anyone else is experiencing this,.

Yes, my Tesla integration fails too. On 0.103.0. Log says:

Setup failed for tesla: Integration failed to initialize

I tried logging into my account on and was asked to reset my password because I had had too many failed attempts. After changing the password and rebooting I’m now able to see all of my Tesla’s sensors etc. in Home Assistant again.

I am having the same issue.

Anyone else having problems now? All the sensors are unavailable. All have the following:
“This entity is currently unavailable and is an orphan to a removed, changed or dysfunctional integration or device.”
I am very new to HA so have no idea what to do next

Having the same issue…

Anyone have any ideas on what to do to resolve this - the integration still appears to be down

Switched from a 3 to a Y, and now the sensors don’t stay in their last state.

If the component doesnt get an update from tesla, it seems to just report unknown (rather than last known state)

EDIT: Not just me then: Tesla integration device tracker reports Unknown · Issue #43965 · home-assistant/core (

There is definitely something going on with the integration. Over the weekend, I opened up issue# 44777 ( in the hopes that the responsible developers will look into it. Short story is this – the integration works fine until someone opens their Tesla Mobile app to interact with their car. As soon as the mobile app is opened, the HomeAssistant Tesla integration gets into an unauthenticated state and doesn’t recover.