Anyone? HELP ?!? Sonoff Tasmota HA not talking

First post this world of HA and Sonoffs is all new to me I didn’t have a clue it existed up to about 2 weeks ago.

Hopefully someone could kindly help.

I have Raspberry Pi 4 with Hassio, Mosquitto MQTT installed and a Sonoff TH. I have tasmoted the Sonoff and put some code in the yaml file and a switch shows on the home screen. I had trouble getting the Sonoff to find the MQTT, but I think the log shows it connected now.

Any how I can’t seem to control the Sonoff with HA (via the Mqtt thingy?!?! - topics prefixes magic?!?). The plan is to use the temp sensor to automate a few things.

I can only post one pic so some more to follow of various bits and to show the settings I have. Again I know nothing about any of this and are surprised I have even managed to get this far. If anyone can help please explain is simple terms so I can keep up!

thanks very much