Hi all,
I’m living in Ireland and I was wondering if there is other people here to share experiences in the journey of Smart Homes.
I hope I will start a new project (new smart home soon) and I would like to share any info we can about best practices in Ireland. My idea is to use Shelly devices for example and ESPHome.
Will be really good to connect locally as well.
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Hi I am also living in Ireland (Tipperary) and am interested in using Home Assistant personally, and also related to my work (for a UK organisation which uses Home Assistant). Particularly interested in attempts to connect Home Assistant with ESB network smart meters - I can see some activity here Reddit - Dive into anything but not sure how to implement this.
I just created a google group mailing list for Dublin to see if we can find enough HA users to maybe have a meetup. https://groups.google.com/g/smart-home-dublin