Anyone integrated a steering wheel bluetooth control?

Has anyone tried integrating one of these with esphome? It seems like a good thing to leave about the house to be able to control music, and perhaps anything else, as it could presumably act as a 5 button switch once integrated. There are various designs with slightly different icons.

Hi, that’s a cool part! Looks similar to the IKEA Tradfri remote. I also immediately came up with some things that you could control with it. As a receiver for the Bluetooth signal would work here, right?

Setting up the board is described on the page. But I have none of these two devices.
In this video, a temperature sensor is integrated with the ESP32 board in HA. Thanks for the video!!

And thanks @nickrout for the idea, will watch the topic!

Yeah I have the Xiaomi temp/humidity and the Miflora devices connected to HA via a BLE/esphome.

I think I’ll just buy one and see what happens. If the worse comes to the worse, it’ll sit with all the other unfinished projects in the study…

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You cant use that temperature and humidity component to monitor your steering wheel. It’s a completely separate component written specifically for that device.

You would have to ask for it to be added (sending Otto a sample would help).