Anyone know if Honeywell Activlink is a Zigbee flavor?

I was wondering if anyone knows if the Honeywell Activlink “protocol” is actually a flavor of Zigbee?

Activlink works on the 868 frequency so I was wondering if it’d be possible to connect, say, one of their Activlink supported house doorbells to a generic ZHA mesh. That way you could try to use it in HA.

(note: 868mhz is the zigbee frequency used in the eu)

868mhz is the z-wave frequency in Europe. Zigbee is 2.4ghz world wide

Guess I read it wrong, but the Wikipedia article on Zigbee seemed to be saying that it’s 2.4 in general but that 868 is also used in the EU.

Anyway, if Activlink is not ZigBee but Zwave, then I could still potentially integrate it with HA… which was my initial idea / hope. :slight_smile: