Anyone know of any integrations to HA to place an order on Amazon?
I’d love to proactively monitor the “usage” of my bluetooth toothbrush and automatically order new replacement heads when they get to about 80% used.
I’m sure this could also be used for some other useful pro-active maintenance scripts also - such as auto-ordering the exact qty of liquid fertiliser I need for my plants when their combined average EC is getting too low etc…
Somewhere in the forums I remember seeing something that essentially sent fake voice commands to Alexa through text… like it emulated someone speaking into an echo… if you could find that you could have it say “alexa, order toothbrushes…” I’ll look later if I get a chance.
Yep, i’ve also seen that - it’s using a third party integration that’s intended for unit testing for developers with Alexa - and no longer offers a free tier and is like $200 a month or something from memory…
The Amazon Checkout (at least here in AU) has changed since 2016 so it’s not going to work out of the box, but clicking through the checkout in chromium in docker is something I’ve considered so this would be a good start - but would be a last resort - Ideally an API integration would be nice since theoretically it should require less longer term maintenance…
Yeah awesome - I forgot about the Dash Buttons - Even though they have been discontinued, the API lives on by the looks…
This would be an awesome HA standard integration (Wink wink) so you can auto-order goodies when sensors detect an issue – Cheers, gonna hook this up to order pool chemicals also
Alexa Media Player allows you to send custom commands to Alexa to place an order. Unfortunately, it still requires interaction with the voice assistant to place the order, but at least you can have her initiate a conversation with you, based (in my case on a coffee pod counter I created for my Nespresso) on a trigger (coffee machine completing a brew) in Home Assistant and you just need to confirm you want to place the order.
# Alexa announcement in the Kitchen
- service: notify.alexa_media
target: media_player.echo_show_kitchen
type: announce
method: all
title: Home Assistant
message: >-
{%- if (states('sensor.nespresso_coffee_pod_bin_level_percent') | int < 100) and (states('counter.nespresso_coffee_pods') | int > 20) -%}
Your coffee is ready.
{%- elif (states('sensor.nespresso_coffee_pod_bin_level_percent') | int < 100) and (states('counter.nespresso_coffee_pods') | int < 21)-%}
Your coffee is ready. I have noticed you only have {{ states('counter.nespresso_coffee_pods') }} coffee pods left; I can place an order for some more.
{%- elif (states('sensor.nespresso_coffee_pod_bin_level_percent') | int >= 100) and (states('counter.nespresso_coffee_pods') | int < 21)-%}
Your coffee is ready and the pod bin is full; please empty and rinse it along with the drip tray. Remember to reset the pod bin counter after you're done. I have also noticed you only have {{ states('counter.nespresso_coffee_pods') }} coffee pods left; I can place an order for some more.
{%- else -%}
Your coffee is ready and the pod bin is full; please empty and rinse it along with the drip tray. Remember to reset the pod bin counter after you're done.
{%- endif -%}
# Place order for coffee pods
- if:
condition: numeric_state
entity_id: counter.nespresso_coffee_pods
below: 21
- service: media_player.play_media
entity_id: media_player.echo_show_kitchen
media_content_type: custom
media_content_id: Place an order for "Real Coffee Great Taste Variety Pack 100 Nespresso Compatible Pods. Test-Winning Capsules. 9 Different Varieties."
To get this to work well and return the exact item you want to order you will need to do a bit of testing with the wording until the item appears as the top search result. In my case, at time of writing, running this through Home Assistant should find this as the top search result. This is not a recommendation for this product. I have never tried them, although I am thinking about it as the price is good.
I just set a google mini right next to my echo dot. Prerecorded an mp3 clip with my voice saying “Alexa… reorder furnace filter”. Use the “media player: play media” service to play the clip on the google mini. Can trigger that using home assistant however you like. For me, I have an Aqara button that sits on the furnace. When the filter gets changed, just press the button. The button press triggers google calendar to add an event 3 months in the future (using google.create_event service). The event is a reminder to change the filter. When three months rolls around, there’s an automation to detect the calendar event which then triggers the google mini to order from the echo dot.