Anyone knows how to integrate Bold smart lock in homeassistant?

Anyone who managed to controll there bold smart locks via homeassistant?



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Did you already used the Bold Smartlock with your HA setup? Can you share your config?

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How did you do that? I installed the files as described. Made an automation but this failed to work. I found “automation.bold_smart_lock_status” and “automation.bold_frontdoor_open”. How did you do it? Thanks!

Just install the plug-in in HomeBridge (I have It running in docker on synology)
Ha wil automatically see the HomeKit devices on integrations.

What is the best way to setup the bold lock in ha. I am not using the homekitbridge atm and was looking at

Anybody knows how to add not only the smartlockes (this was easy) but also the connect to HA i connected a door zoomer to open my door for example Post

I managed to integrate the Bold smartlock into HA using Lauren Westenberg’s custom component (thanks for that Lauren). I now have the ability to unlock my lock. After 1 minute it is locked again. However, this is not reflected in HA. The status of the lock in HA remains at “unlocked”. If I want to lock the lock through HA, I get the message that my Bold Connect needs to be updated. However, it already has the latest firmware version installed.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?

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Unfortunately, my installation of the Bold addon in HASSIO is also sobering.

  • You can use it to “unlock” the lock, i.e. to open it. But there is also an error message “Error while unlocking”
  • No entry in the HASSIO logbook
  • No visual change.
  • When clicking on lock, there is an error when calling the service and a request to update the firmware, which is up-to-date.
  • Battery condition would be nice too.
  • It’s actually a pity that Bold doesn’t show any interest in integration. Hey Bold, “Smart” is different :wink:

Lauren, I really appreciate your work, but I think there is still a lot to do :-))
For the moment I will leave it at one lock in my household until maybe one day there is a full integration.
So far, Bold is the only lock I could imagine, well, as I said, due to the lack of HASSIO support, even that isn’t “smart” madness. :slight_smile:


Can anyone confirm please if Lauren Westenberg’s custom component works without Bold’s Connect device, so the Bold as a standalone lock? Does HA manage it over bluetooth then, like a phone with the Bold app does?

No, you still need a Bold Connect to get this working with HA

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Thank you. Too bad though.

If you have a Bold Clicker it should be able to work with a SwitchBot shouldn’t it? Ok, no status notifications, but this way it can be further integrated into Home Assistant.

A Bold clicker button has very little travel. I don’t have a SwitchBot, but I doubt if that’ll work.

It works fine within 5 metres, if you still have a SwitchBot and Clicker to spare. Otherwise, you better take advantage of 20% discount (Summer Deal) to buy a Bold Connect. After all, Lauren Westenberg’s HA intergration works perfectly.