AliExpress has a Tuya 4-channel switch for $11.
I am wondering if it could be flashed using OpenBK, or just replaced pin-for-pin with an ESP12 module?
AliExpress has a Tuya 4-channel switch for $11.
I am wondering if it could be flashed using OpenBK, or just replaced pin-for-pin with an ESP12 module?
google for CB3S swap
It’s a bk7231n. Can be flashed with openbk or esphome libretiny.
Might as well go with esp32 if you’re swapping it
Thanks. I couldn’t be sure it was a BK chip, but Tuya seems to be using only that chip.
Why? What is so special about the ESP32 that makes it preferable to the ESP12’s that I already have?
The blue tooth
Bluetooth eludes me. I only have a couple of BT devices that HA can see, and the integration log file is almost 2500 lines long, so color me confused what I am looking at.
Actually the bk7231n also features blue tooth
Any way I would try the libretiny esphome fork before trying a hardware hack - you never know. It might just work