Anyone seeing an icon on geolocation earthquakes?


Issued earlier and bug report but no response yet, so please allow another post on this.

it seems no icon has been set in the code for and the inspector errors out on that, displaying the default icon:


and yet the docs show this:

yet this is what is displayed irl:

anyone sees the same?

I never got it to work. Would you mind sharing your config?

sure, using:


#  - platform: geo_json_events
#    url:
#    radius: 2000
#    latitude: -7.xx
#    longitude: 110.xx
#    entity_namespace: 'earthquake'

  - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    feed_type: 'past_day_all_earthquakes'
    radius: 2000
    minimum_magnitude: 2.0
    latitude: -7.xx
    longitude: 110.xx
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I’ll have a look at fixing this in the integration until the next release.

I may have cheated a bit when I generated the screenshot:
There is a workaround where you can define the integration with entity_namespace: 'usgs_earthquake' so that you can clearly identify the geolocation entities from this integration, and then you can do something like this to change the icon:

      icon: mdi:pulse

a yes, have been experimenting with the namespace, to have it solve another issue/question I have, might I ask you to have a look at that also? How to: geolocation trigger distance to device_tracker

its about dynamic radius settings using an input_number template, and not use lat/long, but a device tracker to centre the creation of geolocation entities around…

thanks for chiming in!

btw, before I file a separate issue you don’t happen to be the author for the integration air_quality opensensemap also…?


Nope, not me, and there is no codeowner listed for this integration.

ok, thanks, filed the issue, hope it will be picked up:

do we have a list of code owners available? that would be really practical :wink:
right now I try to find the biggest contributor in the contributors list…

The list of known code owners can be found here: