because you need to log in to access the content I think it will be a bit challenging. Unless you can find a url for the stream that does not require login…
That looks pretty cool! On my iPhone I need to sign in for radio but maybe the script can bypass that? So somehow I need to setup I guess cron jobs then automations to start the programme playing. It’s a beginning! Thanks!
@ioangogo so cool! Installed youtube-dl on my mac and fed it the url for the PM webpage and it seems to be happily downloading the 151mb audio file as I type…massively impressed.
Any tips on a workflow? I’ve got a couple of Raspberry Pi zeros and obviously the Pi my RiP2B HASS is installed on…I’d quite like to download the file on a daily basis and somehow pipe the result to my speakers at a given point in the evening…I guess I’m wondering about
What device should do the downloading (SD card wear and tear being a big fear!)
How could I pipe the audio file to my speakers? They have an Airport Express connected but I’m wondering if this might be a use case for a Mac Mini I have sat doing nothing…just power usage I guess…
Anyway this is a cool beginning! Thanks for the tip. I’d never have considered Youtube-dl because of its name!