Anyone use room-assistant? not showing im home even though its connected via mqtt

running in a docker container in ubuntu,
I beleive i am about 99% setup (surprisingly). I have mqtt in hassio that is working

this is my sensor:

  - platform: mqtt_room
    device_id: 2231e65f6132
    name: "Downstairs"
    state_topic: 'room_presence'
    timeout: 5

This is my config/local.json file

room-assistant says its connected to my mqtt broker, however home-assistant says im not home with the sensor, even though my iphone is an inch away from the rasbperry pi zero

Check the room assistant log. Do you try to listen to this mqtt topic ?
In your room assistant conf, there is not “topic”, try that.
My conf is (I use an old room assistant version, 0.4.2, because the new one does not work for me) :
“app”: {
“unsafe”: false,
“logging”: true
“mqtt”: {
“enabled”: true,
“url”: “mqtt://”,
“reject_unauthorized”: true,
“topic”: “Home”
“console”: {
“enabled”: true
“ble”: {
“enabled”: true,
“channel”: “room_presence”,
“max_distance”: 0,
“whitelist”: [“d7ee1cd94df3”,“e9d94c32dcec”,“18b79e0a1754”],
“use_mac”: false,
“system_noise”: 0.01,
“measurement_noise”: 3,
“update_frequency”: 0
“shell”: {
“enabled”: false,
“commands”: [],
“qos”: 1,
“retain”: false

Thanks. Do I need to add the port number? Should it work with my iPhone? what does your sensor look like?

You should try the port number yes. It will not work with your iPhone, it works with bluetooth advertising (BLEA). I use some cheap but very reliable Nut mini sensor ( (and with a Raspberry Pi)

sigh…, do you just carry those around with you? does it work with android smart watches?

Yes on my keyring. If you use them for bluetooth advertising, they can’t connect to your smartphone anymore

sigh, thanks… i am trying to do per room presence detection, i dont want to carry my keys around while im home, thanks, im going to try [monitor] Reliable, Multi-User, Distributed Bluetooth Occupancy/Presence Detection

maybe i’ll have to get an android smart watch