Anyone use the DFRobot Firebeetle for projects?

Had a successful integration of a HiLetGo ESP8266 module to monitor my alarm panel and inform Home Assistant. I had some ideas for other sensors like a leak monitor, current monitor for a freezer, and some garden sensors.

One of the things I didn’t like about the HiLetGo/NodeMCU board was the pins. Great for prototyping, but I had to desolder and resolder for the final build which is a pain for those long headers.

So I found the DFRobot Firebeetle, which looks very similar but has a battery port and no header pins preinstalled.

Anyone have experience with this? I assume it will work with ESPhome?

It says 16 mb of flash :hushed:

They usually have 4

Other than that seems like common esp8266

Well, I ended up getting one to tinker with. Should be here today. I’ll let you know how it goes. Seeing if ESPHome can flash firmware should be pretty quick – then I’ll try a simple temperature sensor to see what it can do.

Got it working. Had to use the generic ESP8266, but it’s available on ESPhome now.

I saw on the list that the DFrobot Firebeetle ESP32 is supported so maybe the newer ESP8266 will be added in a future version.