Anyone used the SMLIGHT SLZB-07 Zigbee/Matter/Thread USB adapter

I was pretty much set on getting the Skucomnect for obvious reasons when I just happened to come across this adapter. Spec wise it’s the same as the Skucomnect. Same Silicon EFR32MG21 chip, CP2102N USB/UART chip, requires MultiPan firmware for matter/thread, supports firmware updates through HA, slightly smaller with an antenna flashed out of the box for HA, works with ZHA or zigbee2mqtt out of the box. Five to ten dollars cheaper depending on where you buy the Skycmnect but price isn’t an issue between the 2. The. I came across the below part and while silly, but they do need some support (do NOT discuss why in this thread, everyone knows exactly why). At the same time I couldn’t find any info about it on here, that or my search skills need practice. At the same time I don’t want to purchase an adapter that could be buggy and have issues. Even though it’s the same hardware as the Skucomnect we all know that doesn’t mean it will work exactly the same.

Would really appreciate any feedback, especially from anyone who has actually used but any feedback is appreciated. It seems pretty new as at the bottom of the page it says supply is limited. I know the Skucomnect will always be the better supported device because it was made/sold through Nabu but this was made specifically for HA also and has the same hardware and an antenna. The only thing I didn’t check was if the Skucomnect uses the same USB/UART chip but I believe that’s only used if flashing over USB but correct me if that’s not the case. This supports flashing through HA or USB from another computer (I guess options are never bad but don’t know why you would use USB).

Small advantages:

EFR32MG21 chip pinout provided (Skucomnect may provide this also, not something I would use)
Antenna which may or may not improve zigbee range even though router zigbee devices already take care of this issue , that and USB extension adapter cables exist


Lack of any real user feedback so could potentially have issues.

While not a question, just wanted to add this seemed like a neat device and something I have never seen before for anyone wanting to place the adapter farther away from their HA server but once again Zigbee router devices extend range already. Zigbee only though, does not support matter.

I am running two SLZB-06s. One is ZHA and another on Zigbee2MQTT.

This allows me to have them both centered in the house as opposed to the computer room which is in a corner.

I’m assuming they both work without any issues and are reliable? My main issue is they appear to only be available from AliExpress. If this was available from Amazon I would simply buy it and return it if there were issues but I know they take back anything with little to no reason. I don’t want to have to deal with ever returning anything to AliExpress if possible because I’m sure it’s fun.

Thanks for your feedback!

Correct. No issues. I have had them since September.

i have SLZB-07p7 which I have flashed through their webpage to Thread.
I have plugged it in to my Yellow, but nothing happends. What should i do now?

Thank you,
Michal, Slovakia

You still probably have to install the Matter Server add-on and then install the Matter (BETA) integration after installing the add on.


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Found a good YouTube video from them and according to it it is working right away!

I’ve got oneSLZB-07 with intention to use it for Thread / Matter
I am a bit disappointed. By default, it only works for Zigbee. To use it as Thread, you need to Flash it. the only way to do it is via their web Flasher and it is failing. Tried in many ways and different computer and OS’
I finally gave up and will sell to someone who intend to use for Zigbee.