Anyone using Izone for climate

How compatible is Izone for climate with Home assistant, can you control individual zone temperature from HA with it?

yes you can

Got any screenshots?


Any chance of posting your card details / yaml ?

Would you have also tried to add sensors as per the HA iZone page, that refers to adding:

  - sensor:
    - name : "iZone HVAC Modes"
      unique_id: izone_hvac_mode
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','hvac_modes') }}"

    - name : "iZone HVAC Mode"
      unique_id: izone_hvac_mode
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','hvac_mode') }}"      

    - name: "Control zone"
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','control_zone_name') }}"

    - name: "Target temperature"
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','control_zone_setpoint') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "Supply temperature"
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','supply_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

I’ve tried this and get the following output:

- sensor:
    - name : "iZone HVAC Modes"
      unique_id: izone_hvac_mode
      state: "[<HVACMode.OFF: 'off'>, <HVACMode.COOL: 'cool'>, <HVACMode.HEAT: 'heat'>, <HVACMode.HEAT_COOL: 'heat_cool'>, <HVACMode.FAN_ONLY: 'fan_only'>, <HVACMode.DRY: 'dry'>]"

    - name : "iZone HVAC Mode"
      unique_id: izone_hvac_mode
      state: "None"      

    - name: "Control zone"
      state: "None"

    - name: "Target temperature"
      state: "22.0"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "Supply temperature"
      state: "9.2"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Based upon the code at we should be able to query hvac_mode ( to see the mode in operation, from heat / dry / cool / off etc), and also should be able to query the ‘control_zone_name’ (to see which zone is the one selected to operate against…i.e. if house is heating it will select the coldest room to baseline against).

Am looking at getting izone here in Australia (brand new install for hvac ) . Looks like it works well.

Yes with a Daiken 3p Ducted. What HVAC do you have ?

All of the 3 main ‘third party’ HVAC controllers are a bit hit and miss in them being able to do various things. The iZone has a few things you have to REALLY read up on in regards configuration of the unit (i.e. don’t use scrooge mode, setting the zones so they don’t go ‘hunting’ each other and keep the unit running when using ‘climate’ mode to get to a set temp / keep it there).

I note that Rinnai purchased iZone back in October 2023, so no idea as to the roadmap… will they still keep it open to use with other brands and will they change the pathetic system architecture of the physical unit. i.e. If you need an update of the units firmware, then you have to send it back to the distributor / iZone, where they have to open the unit and solder the wired to its Tx / Rx terminals to reflash it… whereas other vendors you can reflash the unit on the go.

There was a newer Android unit coming out in 2023 iirc, but be aware it (like older models) doesn’t support running other applications (like HA) upon it. Also they where talking about having a PSU for that tablet that would plug into 230V (assume then converting to 5v), but would need a sparkie to wire it into the roof space (or have a dual GPO in the roof… 1 for iZone base unit and another for tablet PSU).

1 Like

Thanks for this.


And the izone is


Suggest reading ALL the doco at:

and checking compatability and firmware release notes (and making sure the distributor sends a unit with the latest firmware!).

Apart from the firmware reflashing (or lack of ability locally to do it), my personal peeve off is that its (another) locked ecosystem. So no being able to integrate sensors (i.e. ESPhome based or a Shelly) into it… so HA instead.

BTW no one really tells you that you’ll want to make a bunch of templated sensors, AFTER you use the HA Integration for iZone, to expand it for what you’ll want/need.

Here’s my /packages/izone.yaml file to get you started. You’ll need to replace xxxxx for the ID number of the iZone base controller you get, and then also find the names of the rooms (as you entered them into the iZone) and update them in the example yaml

i.e. if you named this below as ‘Joels Room’ in iZone, iirc you’d want to change the tom_room to joels_room.


    - name : "iZone Bedroom 3 Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_bedroom_3_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.tom_room','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

iZone Custom YAML:

  - sensor:
    - name: "iZone Control Zone"
      unique_id: izone_control_zone
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','control_zone_name') }}"

    - name : "iZone Current Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name: "iZone Target Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_target_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','control_zone_setpoint') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "iZone Supply Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_supply_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','supply_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

#    - name : "iZone Maximum Set Temperature"
#      unique_id: izone_maximum_set_temperature
#      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','max_temp') }}"
#      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

#    - name : "iZone Minimum Set Temperature"
#      unique_id: izone_minimum_set_temperature
#      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','min_temp') }}"
#      unit_of_measurement: "°C"      

    - name : "iZone HVAC Mode"
      unique_id: izone_hvac_mode
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','hvac_mode') }}"

    - name : "iZone Fan Mode"
      unique_id: izone_fan_mode
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.izone_controller_0000xxxxx','fan_mode') }}"

#   Individual Room Temperatures

    - name : "iZone Bedroom 1 Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_bedroom_1_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.master_bedroom','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "iZone Bedroom 2 Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_bedroom_2_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.moes_room','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"      

    - name : "iZone Bedroom 3 Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_bedroom_3_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.tom_room','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "iZone Bedroom 4 Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_bedroom_4_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.larry_room','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"      

    - name : "iZone Kitchen Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_kitchen_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.kitchen_dining','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "iZone Lounge Room Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_lounge_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('climate.lounge_room','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

    - name : "iZone Study Temperature"
      unique_id: izone_study_current_temperature
      state: "{{ state_attr('','current_temperature') }}"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"

@cloudbr34k Apples,

Cool card, any chance you’d share the code ?

Wow thanks so much. Wlll read this today.

I’m also getting another quote on airtouch5. Reading reviews of that. Izone is meant to be the bees knees accoeidjg to my instsller (who ive used before )