I have several Sonoff Basic configured at home, but I have just installed my first Sonoff S20.
I have no issues with my Basics, but I don’t know what’s wrong with the S20 that I can’t control it through Home Assistant. I don’t get status info and if I click on/off on the entity_ID nothing happens. But I can control it publishing mqtt packages through HA.
No, I don’t have setoption26 enabled. I’ve tried both with the availability_topic and without it.
The rest of my setup uses the availability_topic. I just copied the details from one of the other switches and changed it into “sonoff08”, and when it didn’t work I started trying different things to no avail
This is my working configuration for Tasmota 6.3.1 / Core 2_3_0
Tasmota settings applied by cmnd/sonoff-s20-portabel/Backlog:
PowerOnState 0 off | Keep relay(s) off after power on -> overriden by MQTT retain
SaveData 1 Save parameter changes every second (config & stats)
SetOption 0 Do not save power changes and do not set relay after restart
TelePeroid 60 Publish telemetrie every 60 seconds
SwitchRetain 0 There is no custom switch added to the device: https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Buttons-and-Switches
SensorRetain 0 Don't retain telemetrie messages
PowerRetain 1 Retain flag for cmnd/sonoff/power
ButtonTopic 1 Set the ButtonTopic to cmnd/sonoff/power
ButtonRetain 1 Enable MQTT retain flag on button press for cmnd/sonoff/power (set by ButtonTopic 1)
SetOption26 0 Use cmnd/sonoff/POWER instead of cmnd/sonoff/POWER1
WifiConfig 4 Disable wifi config but retry other AP without restart. If no alternative SSID is available just retry (same as WifiConfig 5)
Ok, so after SetOption26 1 and SetOption 59 1 it’s working as expected. I don’t know which one of them made it to work, or if both were needed. Now is working and reporting correctly.