So I have a few sensors showing which zone I’m in and how far it is to other zones. If I’m at a zone the time is zero. Anyway to hide them when the value is 0 (or whatever I set it to)
This is my current setup. When I’m at work (more often it’s home), I dont need to know it’s zero minutes to home.
What I’d like is something like this. Basically anytime the value is 0 (Might want it to be less than 2, sometimes it says one if the gps is a bit off) I want it to not be shown.
@Mariusthvdb things that are similar to this. Pretty sure you can use a data template on the visible property on groups, not sure if that translates to sensors though.
You can use customization to hide entities (hidden: true), but AFAIK not based on a value template.
To mimic this, you could build 2 views. One with the sensors shown and one hidden. Since a view is a group, you can use group.set_visibility to hide one and show the other dynamically.
You can vote for this feature request (or develop it yourself):
once you’ve seen the possibilities, you will never go back… endless and so much more pleasing to the eye. I;d say @eddi89 and @andrey ’ custom cards are unmissable for a great Hassio UX and ought to be standard tools in everyones HA toolbox
next to not showing it, one can also have it shown n/a:
wouldn’t know how to do that with regular yaml and templates. Wouldn’t say it’s impossible, just don’t know, but this is so nice.
was a bit more complex though: