I can see from zigbee.blakadder that the above sockets work with Zigbee2MQTT and Deconz:
But I was wondering if anyone had them set up with HA via ZHA, and if so how well they work, namely:
Does the power monitoring work - and if so, how accurate is it?
Do they show up as switches (I read a thread from a while back where they were showing up as lights. which I do not want, but that was a good while ago, and I think it was because they have configurable dimmer lights)
I’m looking at upgrading all the sockets in my house, and these are the only Zigbee based ones which do power monitoring, which I would like to have. Plus the only other Zigbee one I found was a Tuya linked one, and I’d rather stay away from that.
I just gave up trying to figure out if the Aone sockets worked with ZHA directly and bought 10 Clicksmart+ double sockets. Got them all installed around the house yesterday and they work perfectly. Took about 3 seconds for ZHA to pick up each socket, both sockets individually nameable and controllable, and they work fine with automations. Sure, they don’t have power monitoring, but that was a like not a need. And I didn’t need to switch all my devices over to zigbee2mqtt.
I bought the Aurora One sockets, and they work great in Home Assistant.
They show up as individual switches for each plug, and they both record energy usage separately. It appears to be pretty darn accurate and updates about every 10 seconds or so.
They also work great in Home Assistant Automations. ie: I can set, “if less than 10 watts of power for more than 10 minutes, switch off individual socket” and it’s fired correctly every single time without fail.
Just set these up with ZHA and seem to work well. Only problem is that the backlight brightness doesnt get exposed so not sure how to control it. I can manually go into manage zigbee device and set it from there but no idea on how to do it any other way.
Has anyone else had the issue where when you automate the switches HA does not pick up the local on/off actions on the second / child (right side) switch? The master switch is ok (left side), its just the child one. Doesnt matter how many times I re-pair it I get the same problem.
Has anyone got a process for how to reset the states after a power cut?
The plug in sockets I’m moving from allowed the option to just resume whatever state they were in, these wall sockets don’t seem to have that.
I’m assuming I need to create an automation to capture a scene with the current states, either when any switch is changed or when the switch goes offline at the start of the power cut.
Then somehow capture that the power has come back on, and apply that captured scene.
Thanks, Jon
Any advice on how to ustilse the power monitoring within the Energy dashboard on these appreciated. Energy is show as a sensor in Watts opposed to a Kwh value.
On a side note these work straight out the box with Z2M, just turn on pairing mode in Z2M within 30 seconds of first powering on.