APCUPSD (apcaccess) refresh rate

I have power blips and want to know about them. I get the console output from apcupsd that status has changed, but Home Assistant does not see it. I can see that the battery percentage will go down and it takes minutes for Home Assistant to see it, maybe 2 minutes.

If I unplug power and let my UPS sit for a couple of minutes my automation works, but that means I won’t get a push on power blips.

What is the frequency it calls apcaccess to update status? Can you increase that rate or make it event driven somehow?

I’m curious about this as well. I noticed just last week that APCUPSD showed on battery for 8 seconds, but HA reported much longer than that because of the delay in seeing the back on line status change.

I’m using the component for a remote daemon (ie over the network).

After noticing my sensor hadn’t updated after taking down (for other reasons) the apcupsd daemon elsewhere, I wanted to know the same about the refresh speed. Apparently there is a key:

scan_interval: 10

You could try that to force it, but the default of 30 seconds should be more than appropriate. I suspect then that something else is happening.

Restarting HA with the daemon down means that the enitity doesn’t load at all. This is a bit unfortunate - I would otherwise have expected an COMLOST status using apcaccess. More worrying is that the entity won’t be available going forward (until another restart).

In fact, taking down the daemon any time after HA has successfully loaded it will cease any further updates until a restart.

It seems like the component fails to start or loses updates once the apcups connection goes down. Any tips on how to confirm that?

tried that and interval_seconds… neither validated via HA validate config.
Turns out they have a hard coded throttle of 60 seconds: the most it will update is once a minute:

I may try massage a new number in there, but I’m sure there is a reason…

5 years remained… anybody has an ideas, how to setup HA or apcupsd integration to make an updates as fast as system knows about it and sends to console

That would be nice to be able to customize how often it polls the apcupsd server, doing a test of my own, it seems it only polls every 60 seconds, which means if it happens to poll, then the UPS flips to battery power, I basically am waiting a minimum of 60 seconds before Home Assistant is made aware.

I would definitely prefer to have that lower around 10-20 seconds just so I can check be notified sooner than later.