Apcupsd for multiple UPS

Hi Alexander!
I see that you added arm64 image, but for aarch64 it still absent.
If you find the possibility to add image for aarch64 based hardware it would be great!
Thank you in advance!

Hey Demey,

Please give a couple days I will do it.
I would like to add some more fixes and changes

Best Regards,

Please check a new version.
Let me know if you have any issues


Im getting an error when trying to start. “Missing option retained in mqtt.” here is my config. Im guessing its my blank topic line or something else? What should the topic be?

port: 1883
username: ****
password: ****
topic: ‘’

is there a way to use it with HACS for someone who doesn’t use HASSIO

Hi Alex

I just installed you addon and it works perfectly with 2 APC UPS’s.
Would it be possible to get all the additional info from the UPS in addition to the 4 existing sensors.
I am thinking about load percentage, so I can calculate the power use and basically use the UPS a power meter for the attached devices.

Best regards

yeah I asked about that too. What did you put for the topic section of config? mine is blank and idk what to put

edit: the real problem with my config was i didnt inclue the retain:false line.

I have 2 lxc containers running alpinelinux on my proxmox server. i have installed apcupsd in each containing and they are responsible for communicating with each UPS. So in my config for Apcupsd2MQTT i have just added the ip addresses for my containers.

the username/password i used is just my own home assistant user

log_level: info
enable_auto_discovery: false
update: 5
port: 1883
username: my_secret_user_name
password: my_secret_password
retained: false
topic: homeassistant/

  • name: apc_01
    url: ‘’
  • name: apc_02
    url: ‘’

I have followed all the steps, but all my sensors are in a state unknown. I’m running Home Assistant 0.118.4.

Any help would be appreciated.


Could you please give more information
Did you check apcupsd from command line does it work?

I’m running Hassio on VMware and the host OS is Ubuntu, I have set up both UPS in my ubuntu and I’m able to access them via IP:PORT and they work fine and I see all the info, after setting up your add-on mqtt is able to pull the info from both ups and I can use mqtt-explorer to check and I see under home assistant ups_UPS01 and ups_UPS02 with 4 topics and the correct Values, but in home assistant Overview they show up as unknown.

Could you please try to stop addon, then delete devices and sensors.
And start it again

I have done that several times and no luck, everything shows up in mqtt

Any idea?
Thank You.

I can use the Developer Tool and set the sensor’s state, I don’t know what else can I tell you.


I see that you changed names of UPSes in config, and it tried to rebuild devices
And as I mentioned you want to delete devices and sensors from MQTT and HASS, while addon is being stopped
Then start it again


          I have stopped the addon then deleted everything and started the addon again and nothing, also stopped the addon, deleted it, deleted the sensors from MQTT and HASS, reinstalled and started it up again and nothing, it always gets Unknown. Could it be that I'm running beta Home Assistant 0.118.4 ?


It could be used for monitor a standalone apc trough USB? Apcupsd support that, but seems that the config of the plugin is intended only for ip card. Thanks.

I’m pretty new to this and I have no idea where to look, if someone points me in the right direction I might find the answers I need, so far everything looks good. I see mqtt data in my logs and I can change the State under Developer Tools, but why is not doing it automatically? It only shows Unavailable and sometimes after I reboot it, it shows unknow.



Last night I was about to give up, so I decided to give it a try one more time, I re-enabled debug logs for homeassistant.core & homeassistant.components.mqtt and started watching the logs and mqtt getting populated with all the UPSs data and it hits me. The upses name set up in the configuration’s addon for Apcupsd2MQTT has to be ALL lowercase. As soon as I fixed the names to all lower case the devices came up. Very nice addon @alex-savin.
