APCUPSd for multiple UPSes

Is it possible to use the apcupsd component to monitor multiple UPSes over the network? The component page shows that you can specify a host and a port, but I’m not sure how you would go about specifying multiple hosts (or if that’s even supported by the component). I’ve got 4 different UPSes around the house I’d like to monitor and potentially use for automations, all connected to machines that can run apcupsd.

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My UPS was usb so it was simple. Have you tried having multiple host/port entries in the configuration to see what HASS would do with it? I’m curious.

did you ever find a solution to this?
currently using NUT and APCUPSd but prefer APCUPSd tbh

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Curious if anyone has gotten this to work as well. I just got a 2nd one and a 3rd on the way!

I ended up using a pi zero attached to the UPS and running apcupsd2MQTT to send the values.
It’s been a while but check out here;

Sweet thanks!

I did a bit deeper search on this topic, and I found several solutions:

  1. Use multiple HA instances with the original apcupsd integration and configure one to ask values from the others.
  2. Use an apcupsd2mqtt (nodejs) variant when you want to deploy this client beside the apcupsd daemon (on the same machine).
  3. And if you want remotely query the apcupsd you should pick an apcupsd-mqtt (python) variant.