Apcupsd polling interval

Is there any way to change the polling interval for the “APC UPS Daemon” integration that fetches statistics from network servers running the apcupsd client?

Note: I’m not talking about running apcupsd addon on the HomeAssistant box - I am only using the integrations so I can monitor other UPSs on my LAN, such as the hypervisor that runs my HASSOS VM. The actual apcupsd daemon updates every 5 seconds but HomeAssistant is only polling the status every 60 seconds.

It seems like it only polls once every 60 seconds but that means when we’ve had short power failures it doesn’t correctly notice that stuff went to battery and I can’t then drive automations to check stuff when power is restored and also don’t get notifications about short outages since they are never noticed. The host server running apcupsd shows the logs so its reporting out correctly but not being polled by HomeAssistant’s integration