Apex graphs are excellent, however the configuration has to be 100% correct or nothing displays, which makes debugging challenging.
You have the Y axis annotation working, that shows we are on the right track.
I assume that you do not have the now option in your config. That puts now on the x axis timeline and stops other annotation from working.
The obvious point is that the value given for the x must lie within the graph time period, as this is where the annotation is plotted. Your data generator suggests you are using
new Date(date).getTime()
to create what is a Unix Millisecond time based on UTC. Hence your x axis will be in Unix milliseconds (something like 1699958049853).
If you replace the EVAL bit with a valid Unix time (literal), then you can check that this displays correctly (hence the config is right, it is just the EVAL that is not).
You can use https://www.unixtimestamp.com/ to generate now, or a time that is in the middle of your current graph time period. This is what I did to check the config before I worked on the EVAL bit.
If that works, then it is just the EVAL.
I am in the UK, so for us our local time is GMT which is the same as UTC, so I don’t have to worry about timezones, but I also cannot check my code for timezones. If you live outside the UK, and your date in your data generator is a string with a TZ code, then this will shift local time to UTC, and this shift may have to be accounted for when getting the correct UTC equivalent of 16:00 local time.
The EVAL operator relies on the latest version of Apex Charts, so make sure this is up to date.
After that, yes before I worked out how to use the EVAL operator, I loaded and used the config-template card. This card allows for running JavaScript to create variables that can be later templated into a sub-card config, so as to modify that card’s config before the card is called. Neat stuff. That all worked nicely, it just seemed that the EVAL was an easier approach.
You can find the config-template card at https://github.com/iantrich/config-template-card
I successfully set up a graph using that approach. Here is my config for reference. The bit up to card is the config-template doing its stuff creating variables, then these variables are referenced in the apexcharts-card config using “${name}”.
It all works perfectly for me, but again the JS new Date().setHours(16,0,0) returns Unix Milliseconds based on local time, which for me is UTC and matches the UTC time used by my energy company here in the UK.
type: custom:config-template-card
pstime: new Date().setHours(16,0,0)
petime: new Date().setHours(19,0,0)
ostime: new Date().setHours(2,0,0)
oetime: new Date().setHours(5,0,0)
- sensor.octopus_agile_prices
type: custom:apexcharts-card
show: true
title: Octopus Agile Prices - experimental card
last_updated: true
show: false
label: now
graph_span: 24h
start: day
offset: '-1h'
- entity: sensor.octopus_agile_prices
data_generator: |
let prices = entity.attributes.array;
let ends = prices.length-1;
let final = prices.map((item, index) => {
return [item.from, item.import];
final.push([prices[ends].upto, prices[ends].import]);
return final;
curve: smooth
name: Import
legend_value: false
stroke_width: 2
color: orange
- entity: sensor.octopus_agile_prices
data_generator: |
let prices = entity.attributes.array;
let ends = prices.length-1;
let final = prices.map((item, index) => {
return [item.from, item.export];
final.push([prices[ends].upto, prices[ends].export]);
return final;
curve: stepline
name: Export
legend_value: false
stroke_width: 2
color: green
- x: ${pstime}
x2: ${petime}
text: Peak
borderWidth: 0
background: '#0000'
- x: ${ostime}
x2: ${oetime}
text: Cheap
borderWidth: 0
background: '#0000'
Picture to show it working - impressive stuff!