ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

The wall charger for my car is running ‘twcmanager’ and it publishes to homeassistant, however periodically the entity becomes available until the next time a charging session starts.

Is there a way that apexcharts can only draw that entity if it is available, so that the chart doesn’t break?

Hello everyone
does anybody know if there is a way to define a y-axis range around the chart values, i.e. make
max = highest value + 5%
min = lowest value - 5%

Idea is that if I set a fixed min and max, then the range will be either too big or too small. If I don’t set min and max, then temperatures that are pretty stable look unstable, because Apex zooms in to ±1°C.

maybe reference the document, around the min / max under yaxis options.

I could not find anything on my question. Only fixed values.
I would like to make it relative and not absolute, i.e. x %.

If I set a fixed value on a date adjustable power consumption, it will either be too big (e.g. in time periods with low power consumption) or too small (e.g. in time periods with hogh power consumption).

Hi, firstly amazing work. When downloading the CSV data, is there anyway of showing the time stamps also? all I seem to see if the data.

I have this very wife friendly graph showing energy prices for today. As the “now” line can’t be configured, is there a way to alter the color of the current hour somehow? The line is too tiny to be seen from far away.

Skjermbilde 2022-07-15 kl. 08.50

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 24h
  title: Strømpriser i dag
  show: true
  start: day
layout: minimal
    height: 183px
  show: true
  color: yellow
  - entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_krsand_nok_2_095_0
    type: column
    color: rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.1)
    data_generator: |
      return entity.attributes.raw_today.map((start, index) => {
        return [new Date(start["start"]).getTime(), entity.attributes.raw_today[index]["value"]];
style: |
  ha-card {
    margin-top: -8px;
    background: rgba(0,0,0,0)

Does anyone know how to transform the data so that 35 345 lx is rounded off to 35 300 lx? Been trying using transform but not getting anywhere.

Is it possible to use templating to show the entity friendly name as the title?

Does this work

transform: "return ((Math.round(x/1000))*1000) ;"

Yes it did, thank you!

But I just realized that the group_by functionen messes it up anyway so I have to figure out how to get a smooth curve but also rounded values in the header.

  func: avg
  duration: 10min

I am trying to integrate a few graphs into a dashboard and would like to make the entire background transparent. Is this possible for apex charts? I did nto find any option in the github docs.

Hi guys
I use garmin connection and related integration to record my daily steps data to hass.
Both garmin connection and integration has big update delay, which makes the correct daily data updated to the next day
In apexcharts-card, it looks like this

The left column value should be 7567, but now it’s 5761, the value that updated before midnight.
I also tried offset option of series, but it didn’t work.
So, is there any way to solute this problem?

Has anyone found a way to control the width of the radialbar’s bar? Compare the two charts below and the left radialbar has thicker bars because only using one series:

Is there a way to set stacked: true for specific entities only?

As you can see from the image, I’ve got whole of house ‘consumption’ but also showing key appliances individually. I’d like to just stack those appliances only without stacking the total consumption.

Yes, you can do it with hollow: size: like this:

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
    chart_type: radialBar
      - entity: sensor.cpu_temperature
        color: rgb(255, 87, 34)
        max: 90
          legend_value: false
          offsetY: 0
          startAngle: -108
          endAngle: 108
            size: 80%
              show: false
              show: false
            strokeWidth: 80%
            margin: 0
        show: false
        height: 200
          left: 10
          right: 10
          bottom: 0
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
    chart_type: radialBar
      - entity: sensor.cpu_temperature
        color: rgb(255, 87, 34)
        max: 90
          legend_value: false
          offsetY: 0
          startAngle: -108
          endAngle: 108
            size: 65%
              show: false
              show: false
            strokeWidth: 80%
            margin: 0
        show: false
        height: 200
          left: 0
          right: 0
          bottom: 20

Ah, of course! Tanks for sharing!

1 Like

Has anyone found a way to force 1 or 2 decimals in ApexCharts? On the axis I believe it is possible but not in header or labels in the chart. Would look a lot better if it was consistent.

I tried having two axis but a) I couldn’t seem to make only one axis stacked and b) I couldn’t get the two axis to have the same range.

Any ways around this?

Hey! I use this code down here to track the daily usage of my smart plug. I guess I got it right?
I have 2 questions, is there some way to change where the info “energy use today” in the header is? Can I have that info below everything?

And I would like a chart below this showing the average energy use and min/max per week and month. How would that code look like?
Thank you!

type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
        stacked: true
    graph_span: 14d
      end: day
      last_updated: true
      show: true
      show_states: true
      colorize_states: true
      title: Energy-use today =
      - min: 0
        decimals: 3
          tickAmount: 5
      - entity: sensor.smartplug_energi_dator_dag
        name: Energy-use per day
        type: column
        color: fc7703
        float_precision: 3
          func: last
          duration: 1d
          datalabels: true

I would like to share some data_generator that I wrote because I think it might be of interest for some of you: I wanted to have local extrema instead of just a single one. Since I use long-term statistics, with the hourly values, I decided that a local extremum was a value that was as extreme as its two neighboring hours and more extreme than the hours h±2.

The trick here is that I want to have access to the whole list of values so tranform is not going to cut it. I thus (ab)used data_generator:

  - entity: sensor.temperature_exterieure
    name: Mini/maxi
    stroke_width: 0
      datalabels: true
      legend_value: false
    data_generator: |
      const statistics = await hass.callWS({
          type: 'history/statistics_during_period',
          start_time: new Date(start).toISOString(),
          end_time: new Date(end).toISOString(),
          statistic_ids: [entity.entity_id],
          period: "hour",
      const stats = statistics[entity.entity_id];
      var result = [];
      var window = [];
      stats.forEach( (item) => {
        window.push([item, parseFloat(item.mean)]);
        if (window.length < 5)
        if (window.length > 5)
          window = window.slice(1)
        var [mid, val] = window[2]
        if ((val >= window[1][1] &&
            val >= window[3][1] &&
            val > window[0][1] &&
            val > window[4][1]) ||
           (val <= window[1][1] &&
            val <= window[3][1] &&
            val < window[0][1] &&
            val < window[4][1])) {
            ((new Date(mid.start).getTime()) + (new Date(mid.end).getTime()))/2,
      return result; 

The result looks like this:

The only downside is that since there are only as many values as extrema, apexcharts detects that the different series do not have synchronized dates and thus only shows a single series in the popup. I didn’t try, but a way to mitigate that may be to produce null values instead of outright skipping the datapoint.