ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

This made it work for me, I created two const but maybe one could have been created live on main return

    data_generator: |
      const today = entity.attributes.raw_today.map((start, index) => {
        return [new Date(start["start"]).getTime(), entity.attributes.raw_today[index]["value"]]
      const tomor = entity.attributes.raw_tomorrow.map((start, index) => {
        return [new Date(start["start"]).getTime(), entity.attributes.raw_tomorrow[index]["value"]]
      return ([...today, ...tomor])

And the output after experimenting the fix…


Sure, no problem.
It seems to be sensitive to hiding things dynamically in the graph (ie using the graph legend). No clue why but not a real issue.
Here is the config for the stacked hourly graph:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1day
stacked: true
  end: hour
  show: true
  title: Hourly Energy Usage
  show_states: false
  colorize_states: true
  type: column
  float_precision: 3
  transform: return x * 1000;
  unit: Wh
  opacity: 0.7
    func: last
    duration: 1h
    position: right
  - entity: sensor.computer_desk_hourly_energy
    name: Workdesk
  - entity: sensor.washing_machine_hourly_energy
    name: Washingm
  - entity: sensor.dishwasher_hourly_energy
    name: Dishw
  - entity: sensor.fridge_and_freezer_hourly_energy
    name: Freezer
  - entity: sensor.heatpump_hallway_hourly_energy
    name: Heat Ds
  - entity: sensor.heatpump_livingroom_hourly_energy
    name: Heat us
  - entity: sensor.it_network_hourly_energy
    name: IT Netw
  - entity: sensor.kitchen_media_hourly_energy
    name: Kitchen media
  - entity: sensor.media_bench_hourly_energy
    name: Livingr meadia
  - entity: sensor.ps4_setup_hourly_energy
    name: PS4 setup
  - entity: sensor.drying_machine_hourly_energy
    name: Dryer
  - entity: sensor.kitchen_radiator_hourly_energy
    name: Kitchen Radiator
  - entity: sensor.unknown_energy_hourly
    name: Other
1 Like

Thanks a lot! I will try it out later today.

I see that you have a sensor called sensor.unknown_energy_hourly. How have you defined this one?

This is almost spot on my usecase!
How can i replicate this for forecasting rain, using the precipitation forecast from the met.no integration ( weather.home_hourly)

I’m not really skilled enough to set up the data_generator code

The data from the integration looks like this:

I created template sensors for hourly and daily unknown energy, just substracting the known energy entities from my total house consumption (using a Frient pulse conter), Electricity Meter Interface - smart Zigbee meter for home electricity monitoring - frient).
I also created utility meters for every known energy sensor (daily and hourly) that I use in my example above, ie not using the energy usage readings directly from the plug sensors.

Utility sensor example:

    source: sensor.washing_machine_energy
    name: Washing machine Hourly Energy
    cycle: hourly
    source: sensor.washing_machine_energy
    name: Washing machine Daily Energy
    cycle: daily

Unknown hourly energy template example:

  - sensor:
    - name: "Unknown Energy Hourly"
      unit_of_measurement: "kWh"
      state: >
        {% set house = states('sensor.hourly_energy') | float %}
        {% set computer_desk = states('sensor.computer_desk_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set dishwasher = states('sensor.dishwasher_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set fridgefreeze = states('sensor.fridge_and_freezer_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set heatpump_hallway = states('sensor.heatpump_hallway_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set heatpump_livingroom = states('sensor.heatpump_livingroom_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set itnetwork = states('sensor.it_network_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set kitchenmedia = states('sensor.kitchen_media_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set mediabench = states('sensor.media_bench_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set ps4setup = states('sensor.ps4_setup_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set washingmachine = states('sensor.washing_machine_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set dryer = states('sensor.drying_machine_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set kitchen_radiator = states('sensor.kitchen_radiator_hourly_energy') | float(default=0.000) %}
        {% set known_energy = kitchen_radiator + computer_desk + dishwasher + fridgefreeze + heatpump_hallway + heatpump_livingroom + itnetwork + kitchenmedia + mediabench + ps4setup + washingmachine + dryer| float %}
        {% set u_energy = (house - known_energy) | round(2, default=0) %} 
        {% if u_energy < 0 %} 0
        {% else %} {{ u_energy }}
        {% endif %}
1 Like

I have missing sensor data points displayed differently on column vs other (line/area) modes:

The latter (continuous) behaviour is desired, fill_raw: last does not fix it in column mode. Code is as follows:

      - type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
        graph_span: 72h
          show_states: false
          colorize_states: true
          start: day
          offset: -1day
          show: true
          label: NOW
          - entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur
            fill_raw: last
            name: eilen
            yaxis_id: price
            stroke_width: 3
            type: column
            - id: price
              min: 0
              max: 0.3
              decimalsInFloat: 2
              show: true
            show: false
            enabled: true

      - type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
        graph_span: 72h
          show_states: false
          colorize_states: true
          start: day
          offset: -1day
          show: true
          label: NOW
          - entity: sensor.nordpool_kwh_fi_eur
            name: eilen
            yaxis_id: price
            stroke_width: 1
            type: area
            curve: stepline
            extend_to: false
            - id: price
              min: 0
              max: 0.3
              decimalsInFloat: 2
              show: true
            show: false
            enabled: true

Any thoughts?

I’m running into a problem, that after looking it up, can’t find any solution

I’m trying to do what energy dashboard can’t : setting a specific date for my billing.
I have utility meter running fine with an offset for that.

The problem lies in showing the data.

My monthly utility meter reset on the 9th of the month
And i would like to show the daily value over a month period with a starting point different from the begining of the month.

Currently, my billing of october will end on the 9th of november
so in my chart, I would like that 1 month to be equal from the 9th of october to the 9th of november

I tried with the offset option in span :

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1month
  start: month
  offset: +8d
stacked: true
  show: true
  title: Consommation journalière
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: sensor.cumulgazeur_daily
    type: column
    color: '#1781d8'
    name: Tarif unique
      duration: 24h
      func: max

but the graph shows only novembre, and start on the 9th, as we are the 3rd, I don’t have any data


I want 1 month to be from the 9th to the 9th, and daily bar for each day between those 2 dates

Same problem for the monthly graph, which shows 1 bar per month over 12 months
as we are now in november, a new month as started, and the cost value stop recording in october and switched in november.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1year
  start: year
  offset: +8month 
#(here I just wanted to start the year in september because I don't have any data before that)
stacked: true
  show: true
  title: Consommation mensuelle
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: sensor.cumulgazeur_monthly
    type: column
    color: '#1781d8'
    name: Tarif unique
      duration: 1month
      func: max


I want 1 bar to be from the 9th to the 9th

Is there a way to do this ?

thyx a lot for your help :slight_smile:

Maybe I am too think, but why can’t you just define the 9th as start date instead of starting with month + offset?

Question and hopefully someone can help me here as I have not found any help anywhere else :frowning:

Does anybody know why ‘this.entity_id’ is not being accepted by the apexcharts-card?

type: custom:config-template-card
  - input_datetime.start_datetime
  - input_datetime.end_datetime
  - input_select.dropdown_wildcards
  - input_select.dropdown_entities
  type: custom:auto-entities
    method: state
    numeric: true
    reverse: true
      - name: >-
          ${ states['input_select.dropdown_entities'].state == '-- - --' ?
          states['input_select.dropdown_wildcards'].state + '*' :
          states['input_select.dropdown_entities'].state }                                     
 # working, so Javascript is working
          yaxis_id: first
          stroke_width: 2
            func: raw
          type: line
          opacity: 1
          curve: smooth
          fill_raw: last
            extremas: true
            datalabels: false
          name: >-
            Humidity", "") }                                        
# not working

If I replace the this.entity_id with the name of a sensor, it works. So the syntax itself seems to be okay.
But this.entity_id is not being accepted here :frowning:

Thx for your reply,

I have no idea how do to that :slight_smile: nor how do you achieve this view ^^
but that seems to be what I need

Could you explain it please ?

Thx a lot

EDIT : I guess you are using the integration config-template-card ? I’ll look into it :slight_smile:

You are correct.
And you need input_datetime.

Go ahead and give it a shot.
And when you feel stuck, below is the relevant code you need :slight_smile:
But no peeking until you get stuck :wink:

    name: Start Datetime
    has_date: true
    has_time: true
    name: End Datetime
    has_date: true
    has_time: true
    graph_span: >-
      offset: >-
1 Like

thx a lot,
I found your post on the other thread, which gives me more example ^^

Right now the custom card is not showing up … ressource problem I guess.
Thx again

I thought I had this sorted but it seems not. I’m still struggling to get the x-axis of a column chart to display all labels.

My current example is showing the total energy usage per day for 5x days. It looks like the x-axis labels have shifted so the very first one is blank and I now have an additional one for tomorrow that obviously has no data in it because I’m only looking for the last/max value of my sensor for each day.

Any ideas how I can sort this out? I’ve also tried the same thing using group_by and get similar results however I’m just missing the first label and don’t have an extra label at the end

type: custom:apexcharts-card
      format: ddd
      hideOverlappingLabels: false
      showDuplicatges: true
      show: true
  color_threshold: true
graph_span: 5d
  end: day
  last_updated: true
  show: true
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  - min: 0
    max: ~12
    decimals: 0
      tickAmount: 6
  - entity: sensor.server_room_electric_consumption_today
      header_color_threshold: true
      datalabels: true
    type: column
      type: state
      period: day
      align: start
      - value: 7
        color: '#99c140'
      - value: 10
        color: '#e7b416'
      - value: 12
        color: '#cc3232'

Should also add that if I set the align to end rather than start, the columns shift and don’t match the days and I still end up with a large gap at the beginning of the chart

ho i’m peeking and stuck ahah

I don’t get it how to create the card that call for the datetime
for the rest I think i got it :slight_smile:

You mean the timestamp?

  - platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'
      - 'date_time'
      - 'date_time_utc'
      - 'date_time_iso'
      - 'time_date'
      - 'time_utc'
      - 'beat'

  - sensor:
    - name: timestamp
      state: "{{ as_timestamp(states('sensor.date_time_iso')) }}"
      icon: "mdi:calendar-clock"

Got it :slight_smile:

I’m still strugling with YAML for cards configuration sometime, but it works very fine

That solves the first part of the daily consumption over a month,
Now i need to figure out the 1 bar over 9th to 9th, and be able to display 1 bar for each “month” over a year

Which leads to another question, which maybe does not belong here
Why apex-charts or History for my sensor does not display values past a couple of days ? maybe I did something wrong, because the data is here !!


nothing before the 24th of october
while, statistics shows data on the 9th for example, i don’t understand this behavior ?


The situation is the same for several sensors, same date, almost the same hour

Recorder purges after 10 days by default.

If I am not mistaken you have to explicitly tell apexcharts-card to use statistics.

So, if you purge, then the only source of data is statistics, which apexcharts-card does not read by default.

I don’t understand what you mean with one bar per month. Sounds like you want the sum of all data or a mean value or something. Or is it one value or month that is being stored?

Check out the statistics part on the apexcharts-card github. Maybe the mean of month is what you are looking for?

Can anybody think of a way to make the source of data statistics in an apexcharts-card when the charted time is more than 2 weeks without breaking the card when it is less than two weeks?

            type: mean
            period: hour
            align: middle

I have not found a way to disable it by setting them to [] or null without breaking the card.