ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

Then do it in the opposite way:
transform: 'return x === "on" ? 5 : 0;'

I just cut & pasted your example in your github.
Anyway, that works now.

Did you spot the user error? I had 5 as the “on” whereas the Y axis floor is 10 !!!
Changed 5 to 12 and 0 to 10 , gives a “digital” line appearance.

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
  show: false
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_lounge
    name: Lounge
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_dad
    name: Dad
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_summer
    name: Summer
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_guest
    name: Guest
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_kitchen
    name: Kitchen
  - entity: switch.danfoss_ch_2
    name: CH(Ch2)
    curve: stepline
    transform: 'return x === "on" ? 12 : 10;'
graph_span: 12h
update_interval: 5m
cache: true
      text: Temperature °C
    show: true
    showAlways: true
    showForNullSeries: true
    opposite: false
    reversed: false
    logarithmic: false
    tickAmount: 10
    min: 10
    max: 25
    forceNiceScale: false
    floating: false
    decimalsInFloat: 0


All working and thank you for your kind help and a wonderful resource.

One improvement (and it’s great already) would be to have a seconday Y axis (I would then plot to that axis for the switch)

Found this

but not sure how that translates into yaml and the card config, because the example in apexcharts uses one series for each axis where I have 5 temp measures for one Y axis and the switch for the second Y axis. Mmmm

1 Like

Multi-Y axis is not very user friendly for now.
You have to invert the logic:

  • define 2 axis
  • first axis is your first entity of series (in your case it should be the switch). Also put it on the opposite side
  • second axis will take everything else

This is why it’s not documented :slight_smile:

:tada::tada: New Release :tada::tada:

1.5.0 (2021-02-04)


  • transform will allow you to assign any type of entities in the chart, for eg. binary_sensors or switches :tada:
  • :warning: People using:
        enabled: true
    Will have to use the series.show.datalabels instead:
      - entity: sensor.my_sensor
          datalabels: true


  • series.show: Show/hide dataLabels per serie (9e28db3)
  • Support for 12-hour format (#55) (f38a18e), closes #48 #53
  • now: Add a marker at the current time on the chart (9b6b83d), closes #44
  • series: transform the data the way you want (#45) (1cb6bb5)
  • series: New fill_raw option to fill missing data in raw history (e2433b6)

Bug Fixes

  • dataLabels would not follow float_precision (cf9b63a), closes #54
  • Float were not displayed in non-timeline charts (e67d2d7), closes #42


  • Fix HACS doc (not yet available by default) (53fece2)
  • Fix typo in doc (89ed3c5)
  • Missing link to the now section (9747257)

so I am nearly there, but not quite, any idea what’s wrong with this?
only the blue plot is correct, the others at the top range from 17 to 19C but plotted above 23.8

Reorganised the entities and two Y axis defined.

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
  show: false
  - entity: switch.danfoss_ch_2
    name: CH(Ch2)
    curve: stepline
    transform: 'return x === "on" ? 0 : 0.1;'
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_lounge
    name: Lounge
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_dad
    name: Dad
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_summer
    name: Summer
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_guest
    name: Guest
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_kitchen
    name: Kitchen
graph_span: 12h
update_interval: 5m
cache: true
    - title: 
        text: "Switch"
      opposite: true
      min: 0
      max: 1
      tickAmount: 1   
    - title:
        text: Temperature    
      min: 15
      max: 25
      tickAmount: 8

I don’t really need/want the 0 and 1 on the righthand Y axis, it is just for reference whilst I am testing. I will turn them off eventually.

You are right… Seems like yaxis is worse than I thought it would be…

You’ll have to define as much yaxis as there are entities defined in series.
They will have to have the same min and max and only the first one for temperatures should have show: true, all the others should have show: false :confused:

    - title: 
        text: "Switch"
      opposite: true
      min: 0
      max: 1
      tickAmount: 1   
    - title:
        text: Temperature    
      min: 15
      max: 25
      tickAmount: 8
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25

Kinda sucks, but multi-y axis is not so great in ApexCharts. You map axis to series and not the other way round :confused:

@RomRider I’m not understanding the placement and correct syntax for this option, can you give a full example, thx.

Hey , i appreciate your help , wow, I have no idea how to map the apex syntax to yaml . How did you figure it out.

All good for now thanks. I will play around now that I have a working baseline.


Like so:

  - entity: sensor.test
      datalabels: true

So that then changes the fill to a list:

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
graph_span: 24h
  show: true
  title: NUC Memory Graph
    - breakpoint: 765
          height: 500px
    - breakpoint: 1025
          height: 400px
    - breakpoint: 10000
          height: auto
    width: 3
    curve: smooth
      enabled: true
      show: true
        zoom: true
        zoomin: true
        zoomout: true
        pan: true
        reset: true
      columnWidth: 10%
    showForSingleSeries: true
    - 0.2
    - 0.2

But it does nothing?

My bad, back to your original config: opacity: [0.2, 0.2] instead of opacity: 0.2


You might want to revisit the documentation section on ’ series.show Options’ it does not seems to ‘flow/read’ the same as other sections.

Any possibility of a ‘every X’ points option for ‘datalables’? You have to have mighty few points to NOT make this messy, especially hard for massive data guy :wink:

Nope, I’ve looked if it was possible already and unfortunately not.

    type: solid
      - 0.2
      - 0.2

Still looks like no opacity at all…
The first graph uses that code, the second one doesn’t.

When I just had the original 0.2 it just wasn’t showing the line for the second entity

Ah right, I forgot I override the values in the code. :expressionless:
Might want to open a bug :slight_smile:

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Outstanding card; thank you for contributing to the community. I can’t find the style attribute to change the font of the chart itself (primarily the legend but axis ideally as well). Any suggestions?

Also, I believe the apex github docs say functionality does not exist to change line and/or area color based on state value. That your understanding?

You have fontFamilly for legend: legend – ApexCharts.js
Equivalent for axis and mostly any other object in ApexChart

It exists but it’s not based on the data value. I’m looking at a way to provide this feature, but it’s a bit bugged at the moment in ApexCharts and I don’t like bugs… feat(colors): Support for color_thresholds by RomRider · Pull Request #38 · RomRider/apexcharts-card · GitHub

Just found something weird.

This works card config works perfectly on my Win10 laptop:

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
  show: false
  - entity: switch.danfoss_ch_2
    name: CH(Ch2)
    curve: stepline
    type: line
    transform: 'return x === "on" ? 0 : 0.1;'
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_lounge
    name: Lounge
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_dad
    name: Dad
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_summer
    name: Summer
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_guest
    name: Guest
  - entity: sensor.ble_temperature_kitchen
    name: Kitchen
graph_span: 12h
update_interval: 5m
cache: true
      - 1
      - 3
      - 3
      - 3
      - 3
      - 3
      - stepline
      - smooth
      - smooth
      - smooth
      - smooth
      - smooth
    - title:
        text: Switch
      opposite: true
      min: 0
      max: 1
      tickAmount: 1
    - title:
        text: Temperature
      min: 15
      max: 25
      tickAmount: 10
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25
    - show: false
      min: 15
      max: 25


But on my Android 10 mobile, when open the view tab with the chart on, it is the red card where at the top it states:
value.series[0] is not a Chart CardSeriesExternalConfig;
value.series[0].transform is extraneous

I have changed the width of the CH2 plot, which is width 1 and the other 5 plots are width 3,
Same card config, works on laptop, error on phone
Any ideas?

clear your cache on your mobile phone :slight_smile:

I really suggest you use HACS, it avoids a lot of this caching non-sense…

It’s not that.
I’m using the companion app not browser. in chrome on my mobile it is fine, but if i use the HA app then it throws the error. if i remove the apex config for stroke then it works again in the HA app

I cleaned cache on the mobile chrome app , but to no effect … it was ok in the browser app anyway.