ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

Yes remove it from apex_config also.

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if a card contain mix of column and area graphs, columns are rendered on top of area ones. Is there a way of changing it?
As an option maybe semitransparent graph rendering could help with that. I checked rgba color but it doesn’t work

Could you share the code for a singel card?

See: Daily energy monitoring

Is a day/night visual possible? e.g.Screenshot 2021-02-08 at 8 Feb 2021 16.44.28

With the mini-graph its a plot of the tod binary_sensor.

You can convert binary_sensors into something you can display on the graph using transform. Examples are in the documentation.

First stab gives me this

based on this code:

      - type: custom:apexcharts-card
          show: false
        graph_span: 1w
          - entity: sensor.penberth_water_level_stage
            name: Penberth Level
          - entity: input_number.penberth_flood_alarm
            color: red
              legend_value: false
          - entity: binary_sensor.night
            transform: 'return x === "on" ? 1 : 0;'
            color: grey
            type: area
              func: raw
            width: [1,1,0]

Only issue is the ‘on’ level of the binary_sensor seems to hit a point and then come back down rather than stay at that level. Any suggestions?

Yep, add curve: stepline to the binary_sensor serie

Many thanks - that did the trick

:tada::tada: New Release :tada::tada:

1.6.0 (2021-02-08)


  • :warning: People using:

        width: [1,2]

    should convert it into:

      - entity: x.y
        stroke_width: 1
      - entity: y.z
        stroke_width: 2
  • :warning: People using:

        opacity: [1, 0.2]

    should convert it into:

      - entity: x.y
        opacity: 1
      - entity: y.z
        opacity: 0.2
  • config_templates: Define a chart template once, reuse it many times. Also useful with the new color_list option.

  • all_series_config: Apply one config to all series at the same time

  • :test_tube: Experimental stuff :test_tube:: This is new and you’ll have to opt-in to use the features as they break some other features (listed in the documentation).

    • color_threshold to display rainbows :unicorn:
    • disable_config_validation: to break the configuration
    • hidden_by_default: It will toggle a serie initially as if you had clicked on the legend


  • config_tpl: Create a config template and use it everywhere with config_templates, apply the same config to every series with all_series_config and add color_list to define your color list in one shot (#64) (17004a3)
  • experimental: hidden_by_default to toggle series on load (#62) (63717b7), closes #60
  • series: Define the opacity of the line or area (8dfb3fd), closes #57
  • add stroke_width and experimental color_threshold/disable_config_validation (fcdfa88), closes #58

Bug Fixes

  • color_threshold: opacity for color_threshold (5a325f4)
  • func: median was sometimes wrong (c36dda7)

Isn’t it possible for bars?

It is possible yes.

the new template system
does it apply to the apex_config: entries

Yes, to the whole configuration! :slight_smile:

I released this feature because I believe you all already start to have massive configs that you have to replicate many times and I don’t like writing twice the same code :smiley:

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ok i have to work out what i did wrong
yep massive over 2000 lines extra at moment


Let me know if there’s something wrong. I have reused the code I use in button-card so it should be pretty solid, but you never know :slight_smile:

my file is too long to post here … 3500 lines of raw config

I’d suggest you just experiment with a small config first to understand how it merges stuff together and then you can go full throttle :slight_smile:

thats too much like common sense
much more fun to try on live config

haha, well good luck :slight_smile:

BTW, there was a error in the doc that I just corrected: https://github.com/RomRider/apexcharts-card/commit/ea1fef45736b11fa79a78ca1ac59e7c80c42b39a