ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card

For new people setting this up, the instructions are slightly wrong.

2. Navigate to Configuration → Lovelace Dashboards → Resources Tab. Hit orange (+) icon


  1. Open any dashboard, Click on the top right three dots, Click edit dashboard, Click the top right 3 dots, Click ‘Manage Resources’, Click ‘ADD RESOURCE’ in the bottom right.

That’s where the resources management tab can be found.

Is it possible to only show the datalabels, when the value’s are greater dan 0?
I tried with the formatter, but doens’t work.

This will work.

    formatter: EVAL:function(val) { if (val != 0) { return val; } else { return ''; } }

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Indeed it worked, At first I did placed it on the series datalabels section.
I guess that is only to activate it.
Now placed in the main config section, it works.


Does anyone know why this happens to my graph, it’s related to the span property.

If I remove it, it works as it should. But then I don’t get the forward prices.

This is the series that gets messed up.

      - entity: sensor.last_meter_consumption_osthammar
        yaxis_id: kWh
        type: column
        name: Usage
        color: '#932bd9'
        float_precision: 1
        stroke_width: 2
          func: diff
          duration: 1h

This is my card in total.

type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
    align_state: center
    name: Electricity
    decimals: 1
      - entity: sensor.electricity_price_total
      icon: false
      graph: false
  - type: custom:apexcharts-card
    cache: false
      show: true
      color: red
    graph_span: 2day
#    span:
#      offset: +1day
    hours_12: false
      type: area
      extend_to: false
      - id: SEK
        min: 0
          tickAmount: 5
      - id: Heater
        min: 0
        max: 1
        show: false
          tickAmount: 5
      - id: kWh
        min: 0
        max: 10
        show: false
          tickAmount: 5
        type: area
      height: 300
        show: false
          format: dddd HH:00
        type: datetime
            month: ddd
            day: ddd
          enabled: false
        type: solid
        opacity: 0.2
      - entity: binary_sensor.run_heater
        yaxis_id: Heater
        name: Heater
        color: '#777'
        stroke_width: 0
        curve: stepline
          func: max
          duration: 1h
        transform: 'return x == "off" ? 0 : 1;'
      - entity: sensor.run_heater_when
        yaxis_id: Heater
        name: Heater
        color: '#777'
        stroke_width: 0
        curve: stepline
        data_generator: |
          let today = new Date();
          let currentHour = today.getHours();
          let todayData = entity.attributes.heater
            .filter(p => new Date(p.startsAt).getHours() >= currentHour)
            .map(p => {
              let when = new Date(p.startsAt);
              return [when, p.value];

          return todayData;
      - entity: sensor.last_meter_consumption_osthammar
        yaxis_id: kWh
        type: column
        name: Usage
        color: '#932bd9'
        float_precision: 1
        stroke_width: 2
          func: diff
          duration: 1h
      - entity: sensor.electricity_price_total
        yaxis_id: SEK
        name: Electricity
        curve: stepline
        color: '#2b76d9'
        stroke_width: 2
        float_precision: 2
        fill_raw: last
      - entity: sensor.tibber_prices
        yaxis_id: SEK
        name: Electricity Forward
        stroke_width: 2
        curve: stepline
        color: '#2b76d9'
        float_precision: 2
        data_generator: >
          var items = []; var gridFees =
          var now = new Date();

          now.setHours(now.getHours() - 1);

          entity.attributes.today.forEach((p) => {
            items.push([new Date(p.startsAt), p.total+gridFees]);

          entity.attributes.tomorrow.forEach((p) => {
            items.push([new Date(p.startsAt), p.total+gridFees]);

          return items.filter((item) => {
            return item[0] > now;

To help debug your problem, first remove these lines.

      type: area
      extend_to: false

and add them correctly to the individual series.

Note:- extend_to only applies to line/area types.

That resulted in this.

OK, now remove all series except this one and ensure it is working correctly.

- entity: sensor.last_meter_consumption_osthammar

Once it is working correctly, add the other series to it, one by one, assuming that each added series is working correctly.

Turns out this series is casing the issue:

      - entity: binary_sensor.run_heater
        yaxis_id: Heater
        name: Heater
        color: '#777'
        stroke_width: 0
        curve: stepline
          func: max
          duration: 1h
        transform: 'return x == "off" ? 0 : 1;'

Could it be that the binary_sensor.run_heater actually do not have any value for the give period?
How would I go about doing this in a smarter way?

Almost confirm that’s what’s causing the problem.

You could try “fill_raw” within the binary_sensor.run_heater series.

Unfortunately that didn’t change anything. So what I need is to know the last state of that sensor if there is no valid data for the period. Would that be possible to achive with a data_generator somehow?

Which value did you use with the fill_raw option ?

‘last’ and ‘zero’

I’m looking for a way to add somekind of “marker” in my chart. My chart is build up with 1 sensor displaying my diabetic info about insulin, and I would like to use a sensor called: sensor.last_meal_marker (this contains a date) to make a Marker in the cart with a dot or something on that specific date/time. The chart spans only 24 hours.

The sensor for the meal marker contains: 2023-05-01T11:28:00+00:00 as a status, and device_class is timestamp.

Is there any workaround to define the number of ticks on the xaxis? Documentation says it doesn’t work when xaxis is a datetime.

Finding the right time fro a column is a bit fiddley and the tooltip isn’t as reliable as I want / a bit hard to read.

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Another question, I have to define the locale setting to all my charts to have them show local month names instead of english (as seen above). According to this it should follow how HA is set up. Home Assistant is configured correctly with my country and language. Any idea why it doesn’t use that setting?

Apexcharts supports the following languages. If your language is not listed, they use English. If your language is not present, open an issue.

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My language is listed (Swedish) and when I add locale: se it works fine, but it would have been nice if it pulled the setting from HA so I don’t have to specify the locale everywhere. But it’s a small issue tbh :slight_smile: