Still trail and eror on my history daily graph’s testing . It really pains me how much time i need for so little - but i do not give up .
I want to show Monthly charts from .
this_month ( problem )
last_X_month ( got it working )
I tried a lot of different stuff and the only way i got correct Data ( combi of span/statistics/group_by) was the below yaml code, but it renders “not very nice” . With this it show the correct data if i download it via csv. All my other tries ended in “shifted” day’s over the month or incorrect values .
type: custom:apexcharts-card
stacked: true
start: day
graph_span: 31days
show: true
show_states: true
colorize_states: true
height: 350
type: x
enabled: true
autoScaleYaxis: true
show: true
autoSelected: zoom
xaxis.type: datetime show
format: dd-MMM
- entity: sensor.daily_direct_energy_consumption
name: Batterieverbrauch
color: green
type: column
func: sum
duration: 24h
fill: last
type: state
period: day
align: end
opacity: 0.6
… don’t use group_by it will get better result, and for this month i tried something ugly to insert an series mit offset to fill up the series and hide it - so i get a full month of data and the rendering is much better. Still hope to find a better way … if i get something nice out of it i will post. The Idea is to have some sort of "History Browser with Buttons for Monthly Summary to Daily Stats " - but lets see - still a lot of try and error .
I hope that someone has already faced this problem here.
I have a chart which shows me how much natural gas did the boiler use. For the last 7 days, it works like a charm:
I would like to also log how much did i use in the previous month. For this I’m using an utility meter, which resets next on February 1. 00:00:00. My problem is that the chart didn’t logged properly the last reset and it memorized even some value after the reset. What could be the problem here?
Hey, i do not know if this is my underestanding lacking, a bug, or a missing feature, but i have power data, that doesn’t update at a regular interval (it only updates on a sufficient change). A bit simplified, but a 2 kW load is on for 3 minutes out of every 15. (20% or so), but the sensor only updates with every change (so it updates to 2 kW at minute 0, ant then back to 0 at minute 3, to 2 kW at minute 15, 0 kW at 18 and so on.)
The actual average power over a 15 minut period shoud be 400W, but the graph shows the average as 1 kW. So just the average between measurements, not taking durations into account.
is there a way for me to fix that, apart from making some helpers that directly give me the correct average?
I am looking for a little bit of advice in configuring my radial card. I have two issues.
I need “ticks” or whatever it is called, the small lines you normally have on x and y axis at certain intervals. I need to grade my radial bar, but have no clue on how to configure this, since there is no “X or Y” axis here. Chatgpt and the documentation is clueless…
How do I get rid of the colored “dot” when the entity state is 0?
Here is a crappy image that might explain the issues
I am trying to show 1 Sensor with 3 different States in the chart ( off, stufe1, stufe2 ) . ( External Heating ) . So i want to see .
External Heating State + “zulauf” Temperature
Current Temp of the “Speicher”
( future Heatpump active / kw inserted - wait for the PAC2200 getting installed )
Currently i am doing something very urgly as i retrieve the same Series 3 times and use Transform to value the same and therefore because of 3 series color the different States .
Also if i define a min value for x: of 25 , and i have series data with 0 - i do not want to see the line plotted at 25 , but thats a minor of many others like having a square in the legend for those states.
From what I read, the fernwaerme_state return depends on state and a color
For the stat you can combine the transform but fafaik you cannot do a function for color so you have no option other than 3 entities
How can I set my graph to show uniform times every half hour? So for example here it would show:
04:00am - 04:30am - 05:00am etc?
I’d also like the end to be the last half hour. So it should show the end as 5am until 05:30am where it would update the end to be 05:30am if that makes sense & is possible?
In this span, seemingly a day, not possible…that would mean 48 ticks on such a small scale. Not sure what you expect to see in the end. span has end: hour or minute, not 30min
Look at the docs?