#1 Why is there such a big space between the highest bar and the values above? There is no value saying 2.4 will be the highest in 24h so I dont understand where this is coming from…
Is it possible to have one more value in the top area without having it displayed in the chart?
I am trying to chart out a energy usage history graph and while it looks really nice, it tends to take forever to load and seems to want to keep refreshing more than every minute. Is there anyway to optimize this?
Your colors needs to be defined as '#aabbcc' not aabbcc.
It’s fast on a fast computer, but with 10th of thousand of points it starts to slow down, so you can use group_by to reduce the number of points.
Maybe the previous value just before the time displayed on the chart is above the max you see. Also the chart tries to have “nice” values on the y axis. It’s not perfect but you can change the way it works using the yaxis part of the config.
I am wondering whether it is possible to have ticks appear at a fixed interval, instead of fixing their number with tickAmount, e.g. every 25 units. I am letting the min/max float free on a chart, but would like the tick separation to stay fixed.
Does anyone know how to specify decimals on hover over values?
Below example 0.25 is rounded to 0.3.
I couldn’t find a decimals options for this in the instructions.
After update i have not normal state of apexchars graphs. I got loading loop with N/A in main values. But if you click on N/A header you can see sensor values
Tried reinstall addon and setup previous version. Nothing help
Is it possible to hide certain values on the graph? I have for instance a voltage sensor that reports 0 when not in use, but I just want to hide those values, such that the min and max of my y-axis are still properly divided and not starting from 0.
I am here for help. I created a “dashboard” for my tablet, where I show (among others) 2 graphs. First one is for my temperatures from 4 sensors:
type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: masonry
width: 400
update_interval: 1hour
- type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1d
show: false
title: Temperatures - last 24 hours
show_states: true
colorize_states: true
stroke_width: 2
height: 174px
- entity: sensor.well_sensor_air_temperature
name: Well
type: line
color: '#009900'
fill_raw: last
duration: 60min
func: avg
- entity: sensor.espaltherma_outside
name: Altherma Outside
fill_raw: last
curve: smooth
type: line
color: '#0099ff'
duration: 60min
func: avg
- entity: sensor.average_garage_temperature
name: Garage Average
fill_raw: last
duration: 60min
func: avg
color: '#996600'
type: line
- entity: sensor.zohor_real_feel
name: Real Feel
fill_raw: last
color: '#cc00ff'
type: line
- min: ~-5
max: ~20
decimals: 0
tickAmount: 4
The other is for energy consumption:
type: custom:layout-card
layout_type: masonry
width: 400
update_interval: 1hour
- type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 5d
end: day
height: 235px
show: true
title: Daily Energy - last 5 days
show_states: true
colorize_states: true
- entity: sensor.daily_energy
offset: '-5d'
name: 5 days ago
type: column
color: orange
duration: 24h
func: max
- entity: sensor.daily_energy
name: Current
type: column
duration: 24h
func: max
- min: 0
max: ~50
The problem is - most of the time, and not just on tablet, but also on PC, both graphs show no graph lines/bars, values in header states are shown as “N/A” and I see just “Loading” instead. Example:
After I switch to second tab and back to first tab, graph is shows as:
I have to click on one of entities below to hide it, in order ti give it a kick
But for instance, I get loading icon in the corner that loads forever. Hiding it is not a fix
I am not sure what is it doing. Sometimes, it even stops visualizing data and I have to do full refresh, or close the browser and reopen.
Anyone experiencing the same? Is that the resource issue? am I fetching “too much” data? It is both graphs on my screen that have the same issue.