Apexcharts Graphs shifted

Hello together, i use Apexcharts to display the composition of our homes energy usage. However when i exit the edit-mode of the dashboard, the Graph breaks.

It is supposed to look like this:
[am only alllowed to post one picture so immagine a nice stacked area graph]

But it instead looks like this:

When i look at the browser console apex charts throws a lot of Errors and warnings.

Clearing my Browser cache also doesnt help unfortunatly.

Any help or any hints would be greatly appreachiated as i cant seem to find any alternatives to apex charts, which provide a stacked area graph.

Impossible to tell as you don’t show how you configured your chart. However searching for the term “stacked” in the docs for the card produces results.

This is my current config of the card:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
graph_span: 1d
    stacked: true
    stackOnlyBar: false
  show: true
  title: Energiezusammensetzung
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
  - entity: sensor.powerconsumedfromgrid_2
    name: Netzverbrauch
    stack_group: "1"
  - entity: sensor.powerconsumedfromproducers_2
    name: Direktverbrauch
    stack_group: "1"
  - entity: sensor.powerconsumedfromstorage_2
    name: Akku
    stack_group: "1"
  - entity: sensor.powerconsumed_2
    type: line
    stroke_width: 1
    opacity: 1
    name: Gesamtverbrauch
    stack_group: "2"
  stroke_width: 1
  type: area
  unit: W
  opacity: 0.5
    func: avg
    duration: 10m