Apexcharts vs time zones


I have my home assistant installed and configured in a time zone UTC+1.
Everything is fine as long as I’m running the front-end in the same time zone.

At the moment, I’m UTC+11 and all graphs (mostly apexcharts based) report wrongly.
My basic understanding is that the time zone where I run the lovelace front-end is the reference for apexcharts, while only the time zone of my home makes sense.
Is there a way to tell lovelace or apexcharts to consider UTC+1 instead UTC+11 ?

Thanks !

I have no ready solution but a suggestion, you could try (!) to add a templated ‘offset’ to the apexcharts where the value would be pulled from a helper that shows the +11 or whatever.
Now, apexcharts probably does not allow templates but there you could try through adding card-templater…which does not always work. Possibly best to raise this here: ApexCharts card - A highly customizable graph card - Share your Projects! / Dashboards & Frontend - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

So, was intriguing and got it to work with a helper…forget about the details of the card and sensor… you need to try this out (so am I) :slight_smile:

type: custom:card-templater
  type: custom:apexcharts-card
  graph_span: 48h
    show: true
    title: testing
    show_states: true
    colorize_states: true
    - entity: sensor.solar_forecast
      curve: smooth
      color: '#df6366'
      type: line
      opacity: 1
      stroke_width: 2
      offset_template: '{{''+''~states(''input_number.testinputnumber'')|int~''h''}}'
      data_generator: >
        let res = []; for (const [key, value] of
        Object.entries(entity.attributes.forecast.result)) {
          res.push([new Date(key).getTime(), value]);
        } return res
  - entity: sensor.solar_forecast
    offset_template: '{{''+''~states(''input_number.testinputnumber'')|int~''h''}}'

@vingerha Big thanks I’ll give it a try asap.

See Support new time zone (local/server time) feature released in 2023.7 · Issue #579 · RomRider/apexcharts-card · GitHub