I’m having some strange issues with a D1 mini and the HA API.
I see this in the logs i.e. every minute the connection resets. Any ideas are welcome. Thx
INFO Waiting for result…
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from xyz.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to xyz.local
[16:08:02][W][api.connection:078]: Home Assistant 2021.11.5 (192.168.xx.xx): Connection reset
[16:09:02][W][api.connection:078]: Home Assistant 2021.11.5 (192.168.xx.xx): Connection reset
[16:10:02][W][api.connection:078]: Home Assistant 2021.11.5 (192.168.xx.xx): Connection reset
[16:11:02][W][api.connection:078]: Home Assistant 2021.11.5 (192.168.xx.xx): Connection reset