API not working?


I have a Sonoff RF Bridge that i use someRF buttons in to control lamps etc, worked really well for some time back appears to have broken in recent HA updates

When i press a button on my RF remote, i can see the sonoff/esphome reads it, but no longer sends the command to HA

23:16:45	[W]	[api.connection:081]	
Home Assistant 2022.3.8 ( Connection reset
23:16:45	[D]	[api:102]	
23:16:45	[D]	[api.connection:827]	
Home Assistant 2022.3.8 ( Connected successfully
23:16:48	[I]	[rf_bridge:055]	
Received RFBridge Code: sync=0x244A low=0x0140 high=0x03A2 code=0x8797A1
23:16:48	[D]	[api:102]	
23:16:48	[W]	[api.connection:081]	
Home Assistant 2022.3.8 ( Connection reset
23:16:48	[D]	[api.connection:827]	
Home Assistant 2022.3.8 ( Connected successfully

I have checked everything is up to date, device shows in HA under esp home integration, i dont get why its not working

Did you also check for breaking changes in the esphome/ha release notes? :thinking:

What versions of esphome/ha you had before (working state) and after (not working state)?