[Disclaimer: I work for New Relic)
Hi there. Just for fun (and potentially sizing purposes), I’ve been using New Relic’s APM and other tools to monitor my instance of Homeassistant. In the past, that’s worked completely fine with a little bit of hacking but yesterday, I’ve upgraded to HA 2021.1.1 which - naturally - broke the instrumentation. After upgrading, I went in and re-instrumented HA (specifically, added the NR library to “core.py” as instructed here and then tried to restart the server through the UI.
After waiting for HA to come back up for a few minutes and not seeing it, it turns out that now with the instrumentation, the HA container seems to crash on startup.
Does any of you smart folks have any idea what might have changed in going to 2021.1.1 that prevents this type of instrumentation from working?