App has stopped working

The app has stopped working - “Unable to connect to Home Assistant”. I have a Nabu Casa trial going, but “connect” from Nabu Casa also fails with “Connection failed: No response from instance”. “Refresh External URL” in the app doesn’t work either. Trying logging off the Home Assistant Cloud and logging in again, no change.

I can still access HA from my PC as always. But the Android app is dead.

Anyone else experiencing this failure?


I am experiencing the same. All the same failures. Android app is dead.

Should we conclude that Nabu Casa is down - at least for some users?

I don’t know if this matters but i had just upgraded core to core-2021.8.3.

No upgrades here.

Same here, says connected to cloud but remote control not connected. No upgrade here either still on 2021.7.4

try the URL in a browser to confirm if its the android app or something else

Seeing similar issues. I also don’t see the Home Assistant Cloud option within the configuration.

(MainThread) [hass_nabucasa.remote] Can't update remote details from Home Assistant cloud (500)

Nabu Casa is checking the issue according to status link

Thanks. That must have just popped up. I forgot about the DIscord channel. I see plenty of chatter about this there.

nothing was there when I posted. I subscribed to notifications and just got notification

Nabu Casa saying it is AWS issue

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Wish the app could go local when it can’t reach NC and it’s on my LAN.

I saw this issue too. If you have an internal link defined it should use that when on your wifi. In IOS you have to give it permission so it can determine the SSID connected to, but I was able to use the internal URL once I granted IOS the correct permission. And looks like Amazon Web Services had an outage on August 6 which is why Nabu Casa was impacted.

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Where is the NC “status” page?

8 posts up

Already doable, make use of internal URL and home wifi SSID

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My phone apparently can’t resolve local names, like homeassistant.local. So I entered the local address as But the app gave me “protocol error”.

t’s really ironic that my HA setup is just as dependent on Amazon as if I were using Alexa instead.

so you forgot the http:// part?

No, I included http://. In fact if you don’t, the app flags it as an invalid URL immediately.

Or, I thought I did. Actually I entered https, which was the problem. I think it’s now working.